Two-factor Heston model equipped with regime-switching: American option pricing and model calibration by Levenberg–Marquardt optimization algorithm
In this paper, we consider the pricing of American options under a regime-switching double
Heston model, such that the interest rate and mean-reversion level parameters in both …
Heston model, such that the interest rate and mean-reversion level parameters in both …
Enhancing accuracy for solving American CEV model with high-order compact scheme and adaptive time step**
In this research work, we propose a high-order time adapted scheme for pricing a coupled
system of fixed-free boundary constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model on both …
system of fixed-free boundary constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model on both …
American option pricing and filtering with a hidden regime-switching jump diffusion
TK Siu, RJ Elliott - The Journal of Derivatives, 2022 -
Y (t)= Y c (t)+ Y d (t),(A. 1) where {Y c (t)| t∈ T} and {Y d (t)| t∈ T} are, respectively, the
continuous and discontinuous parts of {Y (t)| t∈ T}. Since the jumps in the return process {Y …
continuous and discontinuous parts of {Y (t)| t∈ T}. Since the jumps in the return process {Y …
A self-exciting threshold jump–diffusion model for option valuation
TK Siu - Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
A self-exciting threshold jump–diffusion model for option valuation is studied. This model
can incorporate regime switches without introducing an exogenous stochastic factor …
can incorporate regime switches without introducing an exogenous stochastic factor …
An explicit analytic formula for pricing barrier options with regime switching
This paper investigates the valuation of a European-style barrier option in a Markovian,
regime-switching, Black–Scholes–Merton economy, where the price process of an …
regime-switching, Black–Scholes–Merton economy, where the price process of an …
Tamed-Euler method for nonlinear switching diffusion systems with locally Hölder diffusion coefficients
X Gao, Y Liu, Y Wang, H Yang, M Yang - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021 - Elsevier
It is widely known that stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching, involving
terms without Lipschitz continuity like| u| 1/2+ α for α∈[0, 1/2), are of great practical value in …
terms without Lipschitz continuity like| u| 1/2+ α for α∈[0, 1/2), are of great practical value in …
Markov modulated jump-diffusions for currency options when regime switching risk is priced
D Liu - International Journal of Financial Engineering, 2019 - World Scientific
In the current literature, regime-switching risk is NOT priced in the Markov-modulated jump-
diffusion models for currency options. We therefore develop a hidden Markov-modulated …
diffusion models for currency options. We therefore develop a hidden Markov-modulated …
Saddlepoint Method for Pricing European Options under Markov-Switching Heston's Stochastic Volatility Model
This paper evaluates the prices of European-style options when dynamics of the underlying
asset is assumed to follow a Markov-switching Heston's stochastic volatility model. Under …
asset is assumed to follow a Markov-switching Heston's stochastic volatility model. Under …
Option pricing and hedging for discrete time autoregressive hidden markov model
M Caccia, B Rémillard - Innovations in Insurance, Risk-and Asset …, 2019 - World Scientific
In this paper we solve the discrete time mean-variance hedging problem when asset returns
follow a multivariate autoregressive hidden Markov model. Time dependent volatility and …
follow a multivariate autoregressive hidden Markov model. Time dependent volatility and …
Pricing options in a Markov regime switching model with a random acceleration for the volatility
RJ Elliott, L Chan, TK Siu - IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2016 -
This article discusses option pricing in a Markov regime-switching model with a random
acceleration for the volatility. A key feature of the model is that the volatility of the underlying …
acceleration for the volatility. A key feature of the model is that the volatility of the underlying …