First-order photon condensation in magnetic cavities: A two-leg ladder model

Z Bacciconi, GM Andolina, T Chanda, G Chiriacò… - SciPost Physics, 2023 -
We consider a model of free fermions in a ladder geometry coupled to a non-uniform cavity
mode via Peierls substitution. Since the cavity mode generates a magnetic field, no-go …

Topological protection of Majorana polaritons in a cavity

Z Bacciconi, GM Andolina, C Mora - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Cavity embedding is an emerging paradigm for the control of quantum matter, offering
avenues to manipulate electronic states and potentially drive topological phase transitions …

Simultaneous blockade of two remote magnons induced by an atom

YT Yan, C Zhao, DW Wang, J Yang, L Zhou - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
In this paper, we present a scheme to simultaneously blockade two remote magnons by
coupling them to an odd-number cavity array. In the system, a two-level atom is contained in …

Gating ferromagnetic resonance of magnetic insulators by superconductors via modulating electric field radiation

XH Zhou, T Yu - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We predict that ferromagnetic resonance in an insulating magnetic film with in-plane
magnetization radiates electric fields polarized along the magnetization with opposite …

Spin-wave confinement in a hybrid superconductor-ferrimagnet nanostructure

J Kharlan, K Sobucki, K Szulc, S Memarzadeh… - Physical Review …, 2024 - APS
Eddy currents in a superconductor shield the magnetic field in its interior and are
responsible for the formation of a magnetic stray field outside of the superconducting …

Magnon blockade in a QED system with a giant spin ensemble and a giant atom coupled to a waveguide

X Wang, KW Huang, H **ong - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We propose a scheme to achieve the magnon blockade (MB) effect in a system consisting of
a giant spin ensemble and a giant atom coupled to a waveguide. We show a physical …

Photon condensation, Van Vleck paramagnetism, and chiral cavities

A Mercurio, GM Andolina, FMD Pellegrino… - Physical Review …, 2024 - APS
We introduce a gauge-invariant model of planar, square molecules coupled to a quantized
spatially varying cavity electromagnetic vector potential A ̂ (r). Specifically, we choose a …

Magnonics: Materials, physics, and devices

X Han, H Wu, T Zhang - Applied Physics Letters, 2024 -
Magnon, the quanta of spin waves, can serve as an efficient spin information carrier for
memory and logic applications, with the advantages of the Joule-heating free induced low …

Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in a hybrid magnon-photon bilayer system

A Ghirri, C Bonizzoni, M Maksutoglu, M Affronte - Physical Review Applied, 2024 - APS
Spin waves in magnetic films are affected by the vicinity to a superconductor. Here we focus
on a bilayer stack made of an insulating yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film and a high-T c YB a 2 …

Controlling magnon-photon coupling in a planar geometry

D Wagle, A Rai, MT Kaffash… - Journal of Physics …, 2024 -
The tunability of magnons enables their interaction with various other quantum excitations,
including photons, paving the route for novel hybrid quantum systems. Here, we study …