Goal alignment in process improvement

M Lepmets, T McBride, E Ras - Journal of Systems and Software, 2012 - Elsevier
Process improvement should improve an organisation's ability to achieve its business goals.
While map** an organisation's strategic goals through various layers of management is …

A Cynefin based approach to process model tailoring and goal alignment

M Lepmets, RV O'Connor, A Cater-Steel… - … Conference on the …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In an industrial context all process models require a certain amount of tailoring to fit to the
business environment of any specific organization in which the model is to be deployed …

[PDF][PDF] Tailoring software process capability/maturity models for the health domain

CG von Wangenheim, A von Wangenheim… - Health and …, 2013 - academia.edu
Web-based asynchronous store-and-forward telemedicine systems for diagnostic purposes,
which enable the consultation of one (or more) distant health care professional (s) by a …

A community-driven open data lifecycle model based on literature and practice

AF Van Veenstra, T Van Den Broek - Case Studies in e-Government 2.0 …, 2014 - Springer
Government organizations around the world have developed open data strategies to
increase transparency and enable re-use of their data. However, in practice, many …

Extending ISO/IEC 12207 with software product management: a process reference model proposal

F Stallinger, R Neumann - … Conference, SPICE 2012, Palma, Spain, May …, 2012 - Springer
Software product management is generally expected to link and integrate business and
product related goals with core software engineering and software life cycle activities …

From software to software system products: An add-on process reference model for enhancing ISO/IEC 12207 with product management and system-level reuse

F Stallinger, R Neumann - 2012 38th Euromicro Conference on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As software is increasingly developed as part of an overall, often multidisciplinary system,
traditional engineering approaches often reach their limits when faced with increasing …

Towards methodological support for the engineering of process reference models for product software

F Stallinger, R Plösch - … on Software Process Improvement and Capability …, 2014 - Springer
Reference models available for software process improvement are often not satisfactorily
suitable for application in the improvement of product-oriented software engineering. The …

A Framework for Innovation System Customization for Product Line-based Software Businesses

F Stallinger, R Neumann - 2013 39th Euromicro Conference on …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) allows delivering customized software products
at reduced costs and time while simultaneously enhancing quality. To realize these benefits …

[PDF][PDF] A Process View on Product Management in Software Engineering Companies

V Bureš - Journal of Software & Systems Development, 2012 - ibimapublishing.com
Software development is considered as a knowledge-intensive set of activities. Therefore,
several business concepts are usually used to support it. Product management is not an …

Tailoring software process capability/maturity models for the health domain

C Gresse von Wangenheim, A von Wangenheim… - Health and …, 2013 - Springer
Web-based asynchronous store-and-forward telemedicine systems for diagnostic purposes,
which enable the consultation of (one or more) distant health care professional (s) by a …