Bioremediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum, pesticides, chlorophenols and heavy metals by composting: applications …

M Chen, P Xu, G Zeng, C Yang, D Huang… - Biotechnology advances, 2015 - Elsevier
Increasing soil pollution problems have caused world-wide concerns. Large numbers of
contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), petroleum and related …

Advanced technologies for the remediation of pesticide-contaminated soils

E Morillo, J Villaverde - Science of the total environment, 2017 - Elsevier
The occurrence of pesticides in soil has become a highly significant environmental problem,
which has been increased by the vast use of pesticides worldwide and the absence of …

[HTML][HTML] Environmental risk of groundwater pollution by pesticide leaching through the soil profile

G Pérez-Lucas, N Vela, A El Aatik… - Pesticides-use and …, 2018 -
Adsorption, degradation, and movement are the key processes conditioning the behavior
and fate of pesticides in the soil. Six processes that can move pesticides are leaching …

A comprehensive overview of elements in bioremediation

AA Juwarkar, SK Singh, A Mudhoo - Reviews in Environmental Science …, 2010 - Springer
Sustainable development requires the development and promotion of environmental
management and a constant search for green technologies to treat a wide range of aquatic …

Vermiculture technology: earthworms, organic wastes, and environmental management

CA Edwards, NQ Arancon, RL Sherman - 2010 -
Exploring the dramatic growth and changes in the field of vermicomposting since 1988, this
comprehensive review assesses the advancements made in government-funded projects in …

Earthworms and vermicompost: an eco-friendly approach for repaying nature's debt

A Singh, N Karmegam, GS Singh, T Bhadauria… - Environmental …, 2020 - Springer
The steady increase in the world's population has intensified the need for crop productivity,
but the majority of the agricultural practices are associated with adverse effects on the …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of mineral and organic amendments on rice growth and yield in saline soils

RCM Litardo, SJG Bendezú, MDC Zenteno… - Journal of the Saudi …, 2022 - Elsevier
Globally, the agricultural soils area where crop yields are affected by salinity has increased.
This research aimed to evaluate the outcome of the edaphic application of mineral and …

Changes in sorption and bioavailability of herbicides in soil amended with fresh and aged biochar

B Gámiz, P Velarde, KA Spokas, R Celis, L Cox - Geoderma, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge of long-term pesticide behavior in biochar (BC) amended soil is still
contradictory. In this work, we compared the sorption of three highly persistent and ionizable …

[HTML][HTML] Low-cost approaches for the removal of terbuthylazine from agricultural wastewater: Constructed wetlands and biopurification system

GD Gikas, M Pérez-Villanueva, M Tsioras… - Chemical Engineering …, 2018 - Elsevier
Constructed wetlands (CWs) and biopurification systems (BPS) present two low-cost
approaches for the removal of pesticides from waters of agricultural origin. Both strategies …

Enhancing pesticide degradation using indigenous microorganisms isolated under high pesticide load in bioremediation systems with vermicomposts

JMC Diaz, L Delgado-Moreno, R Núñez… - Bioresource …, 2016 - Elsevier
In biobed bioremediation systems (BBSs) with vermicomposts exposed to a high load of
pesticides, 6 bacteria and 4 fungus strains were isolated, identified, and investigated to …