[HTML][HTML] Liquid foam: Fundamentals, rheology, and applications of foam displacement in porous structures

N Moradpour, J Yang, PA Tsai - Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface …, 2024 - Elsevier
Liquid foams, as colloidal systems comprising a dispersed gas phase within a continuous
liquid medium, exhibit unique structural and rheological properties beneficial for various …

[HTML][HTML] Improved reactor design enables productivity of microbial electrosynthesis on par with classical biotechnology

JS Deutzmann, G Callander, AM Spormann - Bioresource Technology, 2025 - Elsevier
Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) converts (renewable) electrical energy into CO 2-derived
chemicals including fuels. To achieve commercial viability of this process, improvements in …

Enhanced removal of toluene in heterogeneous aquifers through injecting encapsulated ozone micro-nano bubble water

D Shen, L Li, J Luo, J Jia, L Tang, Y Long… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2024 - Elsevier
Organic contaminants have a tendency to accumulate in low-permeability aquifers, making
their removal challenging and creating a bottleneck in groundwater remediation efforts. The …

Nanobubble transport in porous media: Towards agro-and environmental applications

L Borsky, Y Yecheskel, NMK Rogers, N Ran… - Chemosphere, 2024 - Elsevier
Nanobubbles have been increasingly used in various applications involving porous media,
such as groundwater remediation and irrigation. However, the fundamental scientific …

Ganglion startup in porous media

C Wang, K Xu - Chemical Engineering Science, 2024 - Elsevier
In porous media, dispersed fluid ganglia (bubbles, droplets) largely shape flow, transport,
and chemical reactions. Static trap** and steady-state mobilization of ganglia have been …

Dispersion in unsaturated porous media

E Ollivier-Triquet - 2023 - theses.hal.science
Human activity has a significant impact on the vadose zone, an area located below the land
surface and above the water tables, only partially saturated with water. The vadose is …