The increasing role of short-term sperm storage and cryopreservation in conserving threatened amphibian species
Simple Summary Integrating reproductive technologies into amphibian conservation
breeding programs can enhance the propagation and the genetic management of …
breeding programs can enhance the propagation and the genetic management of …
Larger Body Size at Metamorphosis Enhances Survival, Growth and Performance of Young Cane Toads (Rhinella marina)
Body size at metamorphosis is a key trait in species (such as many anurans) with biphasic
life-histories. Experimental studies have shown that metamorph size is highly plastic …
life-histories. Experimental studies have shown that metamorph size is highly plastic …
Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and sex ratios of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. II: Agriculturally relevant …
Glyphosate-based herbicides are currently the most commonly used herbicides in the world.
They have been shown to affect survival, growth, development and sexual differentiation of …
They have been shown to affect survival, growth, development and sexual differentiation of …
Two‐hundred million years of anuran body‐size evolution in relation to geography, ecology and life history
Surprisingly, little is known about body‐size evolution within the most diverse amphibian
order, anurans (frogs and toads), despite known effects of body size on the physiological …
order, anurans (frogs and toads), despite known effects of body size on the physiological …
Body size predicts between-individual differences in exploration behaviour in the southern corroboree frog
Highlights•We tested for animal personality signatures in captive southern corroboree
frogs.•Behaviour along the activity, exploration and boldness axes were …
frogs.•Behaviour along the activity, exploration and boldness axes were …
Ontogenetic change in the diet of the pond frog, Rana nigromaculata
T Hirai - Ecological Research, 2002 - Springer
I analyzed 478 diet samples of Rana nigromaculata across its natural size range to examine
the dietary changes of this species during postmetamorphic ontogeny. As the frogs …
the dietary changes of this species during postmetamorphic ontogeny. As the frogs …
Larval anurans with synchronous and asynchronous development periods: contrasting responses to water reduction and predator presence
Summary 1 The larvae of pond breeding frogs experience high rates of mortality,
predominantly through predation and pond desiccation. We investigated how the tadpoles of …
predominantly through predation and pond desiccation. We investigated how the tadpoles of …
Influence of land use on postmetamorphic body size of playa lake amphibians
MJ Gray, LM Smith - The Journal of wildlife management, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Agricultural land use may indirectly affect the body size of amphibians by altering the
hydroperiods of nearby wetlands and influencing amphibian densities—both factors which …
hydroperiods of nearby wetlands and influencing amphibian densities—both factors which …
Biodiversity hotspots are not congruent with conservation areas in the Gulf of California
As marine systems are threatened by increasing human impacts, mechanisms to maintain
biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services are needed. Protecting areas of …
biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services are needed. Protecting areas of …
[PDF][PDF] Dietary resource use by an assemblage of terrestrial frogs from the Brazilian Cerrado.
T Marques-Pinto, AF Barreto-Lima… - North-western journal …, 2019 - biozoojournals.ro
Accepted: 07. April 2018/Available online: 19. April 2018/Printed: December 2019 Abstract.
Diet is an important aspect of the ecological niche, and assemblages are often structured …
Diet is an important aspect of the ecological niche, and assemblages are often structured …