Emerging topics in nanophononics and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials: an overview
This broad review summarizes recent advances and “hot” research topics in nanophononics
and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials based on results presented by the …
and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials based on results presented by the …
Manipulating flexural waves to enhance the broadband vibration mitigation through inducing programmed disorder on smart rainbow metamaterials
The application of smart materials and metastructures has been rapidly increasing in
advanced multiphysical systems because of their ability to modify mechanical responses by …
advanced multiphysical systems because of their ability to modify mechanical responses by …
Isotacticity in chiral phononic crystals for low-frequency bandgap
Realizing a low-frequency and broad bandgap is extremely challenging because the lattice
constant, equivalent stiffness, and equivalent density must be taken into account in practice …
constant, equivalent stiffness, and equivalent density must be taken into account in practice …
Analytical and experimental study of a metamaterial beam with grading piezoelectric transducers for vibration attenuation band widening
This paper analytically and experimentally investigates the potential of a piezoelectric
metamaterial beam with a spatial grading pattern for broadband vibration attenuation …
metamaterial beam with a spatial grading pattern for broadband vibration attenuation …
[PDF][PDF] Synthesizing topological acoustic rainbow trap** at deep-subwavelength corners
Topological boundary states, the smoking gun of topological insulators (TIs), have been
widely investigated in a variety of settings [1, 2]. Among the youngest members of this …
widely investigated in a variety of settings [1, 2]. Among the youngest members of this …
Uni-modal retroreflection in multi-modal elastic wave fields
J Lee, J Park, CW Park, SH Cho, YY Kim - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
The phenomenon of retroreflection of light characterized by a single transversely polarized
wave has been extensively explored. However, the phenomenon of retroreflection of a …
wave has been extensively explored. However, the phenomenon of retroreflection of a …
[HTML][HTML] Topological modes, vibration attenuation, and energy harvesting in electromechanical metastructures
The dynamics of topological boundary modes in both periodic and quasi-periodic
electromechanical metastructures is investigated, with a focus on their applications to …
electromechanical metastructures is investigated, with a focus on their applications to …
Tailored topological edge waves via chiral hierarchical metamaterials
Precise manipulation of the direction and redirection of vibrational wave energy is a key
demand in wave physics and engineering. We consider the paradigm of a finite framelike …
demand in wave physics and engineering. We consider the paradigm of a finite framelike …
On the band gap formation in locally-resonant metamaterial thin-walled beams
A Burlon, G Failla - European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper is concerned with flexural and torsional waves propagation in locally-resonant
thin-walled beams with open cross section. A beam with monosymmetric cross section …
thin-walled beams with open cross section. A beam with monosymmetric cross section …
Robust large-area elastic transverse wave transport in active acoustic metamaterials
We investigate robust large-area elastic transverse wave propagation in an actively tunable
membrane-type acoustic metamaterial. The waveguide with multiple degrees of freedom to …
membrane-type acoustic metamaterial. The waveguide with multiple degrees of freedom to …