Few-body Bose gases in low dimensions—A laboratory for quantum dynamics
Cold atomic gases have become a paradigmatic system for exploring fundamental physics,
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …
One-dimensional mixtures of several ultracold atoms: a review
Recent theoretical and experimental progress on studying one-dimensional systems of
bosonic, fermionic, and Bose–Fermi mixtures of a few ultracold atoms confined in traps is …
bosonic, fermionic, and Bose–Fermi mixtures of a few ultracold atoms confined in traps is …
Shortcuts to adiabaticity
Quantum adiabatic processes—that keep constant the populations in the instantaneous
eigenbasis of a time-dependent Hamiltonian—are very useful to prepare and manipulate …
eigenbasis of a time-dependent Hamiltonian—are very useful to prepare and manipulate …
Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain of a few cold atoms in a one-dimensional trap
We report on the deterministic preparation of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chains
consisting of up to four fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional trap. These chains are …
consisting of up to four fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional trap. These chains are …
Strongly interacting confined quantum systems in one dimension
In one dimension, the study of magnetism dates back to the dawn of quantum mechanics
when Bethe solved the famous Heisenberg model that describes quantum behaviour in …
when Bethe solved the famous Heisenberg model that describes quantum behaviour in …
Quantum magnetism without lattices in strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor gases
We show that strongly interacting multicomponent gases in one dimension realize an
effective spin chain, offering an alternative simple scenario for the study of one-dimensional …
effective spin chain, offering an alternative simple scenario for the study of one-dimensional …
Strongly interacting trapped one-dimensional quantum gases: Exact solution
Understanding the effect of correlations in interacting many-body systems is one of the main
challenges in quantum mechanics. While the general problem can only be addressed by …
challenges in quantum mechanics. While the general problem can only be addressed by …
Symmetry oscillations in strongly interacting one-dimensional mixtures
Multicomponent quantum mixtures in one dimension can be characterized by their symmetry
under particle exchange. For a strongly interacting Bose-Bose mixture, we show that the …
under particle exchange. For a strongly interacting Bose-Bose mixture, we show that the …
Bose-Fermi dualities for arbitrary one-dimensional quantum systems in the universal low-energy regime
M Valiente - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
I consider general interacting systems of quantum particles in one spatial dimension. These
consist of bosons or fermions, which can have any number of components, arbitrary spin, or …
consist of bosons or fermions, which can have any number of components, arbitrary spin, or …
Strong-coupling ansatz for the one-dimensional Fermi gas in a harmonic potential
A major challenge in modern physics is to accurately describe strongly interacting quantum
many-body systems. One-dimensional systems provide fundamental insights because they …
many-body systems. One-dimensional systems provide fundamental insights because they …