5 Stochastic volatility
E Ghysels, AC Harvey, E Renault - Handbook of statistics, 1996 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The class of stochastic volatility (SV) models has its roots in both,
mathematical finance and financial econometrics. In fact, several variations of SV models …
mathematical finance and financial econometrics. In fact, several variations of SV models …
Volatility and correlation forecasting
Volatility has been one of the most active and successful areas of research in time series
econometrics and economic forecasting in recent decades. This chapter provides a selective …
econometrics and economic forecasting in recent decades. This chapter provides a selective …
The Russia–Ukraine war and energy market volatility: A novel application of the volatility ratio in the context of natural gas
The major aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of the recent Russia–Ukraine war on
the volatility dynamics of the natural gas market for the 1 June 2011–31 December 2022 …
the volatility dynamics of the natural gas market for the 1 June 2011–31 December 2022 …
Volatility is rough
Estimating volatility from recent high frequency data, we revisit the question of the
smoothness of the volatility process. Our main result is that log-volatility behaves essentially …
smoothness of the volatility process. Our main result is that log-volatility behaves essentially …
Volatility is (mostly) path-dependent
We learn from data that volatility is mostly path-dependent: up to 90% of the variance of the
implied volatility of equity indexes is explained endogenously by past index returns, and up …
implied volatility of equity indexes is explained endogenously by past index returns, and up …
Modeling and forecasting realized volatility
We provide a framework for integration of high–frequency intraday data into the
measurement, modeling, and forecasting of daily and lower frequency return volatilities and …
measurement, modeling, and forecasting of daily and lower frequency return volatilities and …
A simple approximate long-memory model of realized volatility
F Corsi - Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2009 - academic.oup.com
The paper proposes an additive cascade model of volatility components defined over
different time periods. This volatility cascade leads to a simple AR-type model in the realized …
different time periods. This volatility cascade leads to a simple AR-type model in the realized …
The distribution of realized exchange rate volatility
Using high-frequency data on deutschemark and yen returns against the dollar, we construct
model-free estimates of daily exchange rate volatility and correlation that cover an entire …
model-free estimates of daily exchange rate volatility and correlation that cover an entire …
Econometric analysis of realized volatility and its use in estimating stochastic volatility models
OE Barndorff-Nielsen… - Journal of the Royal …, 2002 - academic.oup.com
The availability of intraday data on the prices of speculative assets means that we can use
quadratic variation-like measures of activity in financial markets, called realized volatility, to …
quadratic variation-like measures of activity in financial markets, called realized volatility, to …
Roughing it up: Including jump components in the measurement, modeling, and forecasting of return volatility
A growing literature documents important gains in asset return volatility forecasting via use
of realized variation measures constructed from high-frequency returns. We progress by …
of realized variation measures constructed from high-frequency returns. We progress by …