Mathematics and interdisciplinary STEM education: recent developments and future directions
This special issue introduces recent research on mathematics in interdisciplinary STEM
education. STEM education is widely promoted by governments around the world as a way …
education. STEM education is widely promoted by governments around the world as a way …
STEM, iSTEM, and STEAM: What is next?
The historical and political emergence of STEM has changed the educational paradigm.
Researchers, educators, and frontline professionals consider STEM as their savior …
Researchers, educators, and frontline professionals consider STEM as their savior …
Understanding coherence and integration in integrated STEM curriculum
Background Few tools or rubrics exist to assess the quality of integrated STEM curricula, and
existing tools focus on checklists of characteristics of integrated STEM. While such …
existing tools focus on checklists of characteristics of integrated STEM. While such …
Students' interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) based on parental education and gender factors
The integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in
various fields of knowledge is needed to enhance the country's economic development …
various fields of knowledge is needed to enhance the country's economic development …
Mathematics Teachers' Practices of STEM Education: A Systematic Literature Review.
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is regarded as one of
the formulas to embracing many of our imminent challenges. STEM education benefits the …
the formulas to embracing many of our imminent challenges. STEM education benefits the …
STEM-integrated physics digital teaching material to develop conceptual understanding and new literacy of students
Learning should be able to develop the students' literacy skills in the industrial revolution
4.0. However, the literacy of students related to this era was still low. The solution to solve …
4.0. However, the literacy of students related to this era was still low. The solution to solve …
Effects of a self-regulated-based gamified interactive e-books on primary students' learning performance and affection in a flipped mathematics classroom
Gamified interactive e-books can make the learning process more interactive, enjoyable,
and personalized by incorporating game elements into the educational content, thus …
and personalized by incorporating game elements into the educational content, thus …
[HTML][HTML] The influence of student engagement on mathematical achievement among secondary school students
Student engagement is a multidimensional construct that predicts learning performance.
However, student engagement receives limited attention, especially in mathematics. Thus …
However, student engagement receives limited attention, especially in mathematics. Thus …
The Effect of STEM Model Based on Bima's Local Cultural on Problem Solving Ability.
S Mariani - International Journal of Instruction, 2022 - ERIC
In STEM, learning skills and knowledge are learned simultaneously by students. Things that
are different from the STEM aspect will require a connecting line that makes the four …
are different from the STEM aspect will require a connecting line that makes the four …
Project-based STEM learning using educational robotics as the development of student problem-solving competence
P Coufal - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
The study focuses on teaching students using educational robots in the field of STEM. The
study focused on the influence of project-based teaching on the development of student …
study focused on the influence of project-based teaching on the development of student …