Generating Schrödinger-cat-like states by means of conditional measurements on a beam splitter

M Dakna, T Anhut, T Opatrný, L Knöll, DG Welsch - Physical Review A, 1997 - APS
A scheme for generating Schrödinger-cat-like states of a single-mode optical field by means
of conditional measurement is proposed. Feeding a squeezed vacuum into a beam splitter …

[หนังสือ][B] Progress in optics

E Wolf - 2005 -
In this volume, six review articles which cover a broad range of topics of current interest in
modern optics are included. The first article by S. Saltiel, AA Sukhorukov and YS Kivshar …

Statistics of photon-subtracted and photon-added states

SM Barnett, G Ferenczi, CR Gilson, FC Speirits - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
The subtraction or addition of a prescribed number of photons to a field mode does not, in
general, simply shift the probability distribution by the number of subtracted or added …

Photon-added state preparation via conditional measurement on a beam splitter

M Dakna, L Knöll, DG Welsch - Optics communications, 1998 - Elsevier
We show that conditional output measurement on a beam splitter may be used to produce
photon-added states for a large class of signal-mode quantum states, such as thermal …

Quantum state engineering using conditional measurement on a beam splitter

M Dakna, L Knöll, DG Welsch - The European Physical Journal D-Atomic …, 1998 - Springer
State preparation via conditional output measurement on a beam splitter is studied,
assuming the signal mode is mixed with a mode prepared in a Fock state and photon …

Hybrid quantum information processing

UL Andersen, JS Neergaard-Nielsen… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2014 -
The development of quantum information processing has traditionally followed two separate
and not immediately connected lines of study. The main line has focused on the …

Optomechanical generation of a mechanical catlike state by phonon subtraction

I Shomroni, L Qiu, TJ Kippenberg - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
We propose a scheme to prepare a macroscopic mechanical oscillator in a catlike state,
close to a coherent state superposition. The mechanical oscillator, coupled by radiation …

Implementation of projective measurements with linear optics and continuous photon counting

M Takeoka, M Sasaki, P Van Loock… - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2005 - APS
We investigate the possibility of implementing a given projection measurement using linear
optics and arbitrarily fast feedforward based on the continuous detection of photons. In …

Quantum state engineering using weak measurements

Q Hu, T Yusufu, Y Turek - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
State preparation via postselected weak measurements in a three-wave mixing process is
studied. We assume the signal input mode is prepared in a vacuum state, coherent state, or …

Photon statistics of conditional output states of lossless beam splitter

M Ban - Journal of Modern Optics, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
When an observation is carried out at one of the two output ports of a lossless beam splitter,
photon statistics of a conditional output state in the unobserved output port are investigated …