A kriging metamodel assisted multi-objective genetic algorithm for design optimization

M Li, G Li, S Azarm - 2008 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The high computational cost of population based optimization methods, such as multi-
objective genetic algorithms (MOGAs), has been preventing applications of these methods …

Tribological effects of vegetable oil as alternative lubricant: a pin-on-disk tribometer and wear study

N Noorawzi, S Samion - Tribology Transactions, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The investigation of lubricated friction and wear is an extended study. The aim of this study is
to investigate the friction and wear characteristics of double fractionated palm oil (DFPO) as …

A model for contact and static friction of nominally flat rough surfaces under full stick contact condition

D Cohen, Y Kligerman, I Etsion - 2008 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A model for elastic-plastic nominally flat contacting rough surfaces under combined normal
and tangential loading with full stick contact condition is presented. The model incorporates …

Thermal analysis of both ventilated and full disc brake rotors with frictional heat generation

A Belhocine, C Du Cho, M Nouby, YB Yi - Applied and computational …, 2014 - kme.zcu.cz
In automotive engineering, the safety aspect has been considered as a number one priority
in development of a new vehicle. Each single system has been studied and developed in …

Effects of tribological properties of water-based drilling fluids on buckling and lock-up length of coiled tubing in drilling operations

J Abdo, A Al-Shabibi, H Al-Sharji - Tribology International, 2015 - Elsevier
This study evaluates the performance of three lubricants on reducing friction between
wellbore and coiled tubing (CT) and hence improving axial force transfer, reducing buckling …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical modeling of disc brake system in frictional contact

A Belhocine, ARA Bakar, M Bouchetara - Tribology in Industry, 2014 - tribology.fink.rs
Safety aspect in automotive engineering has been considered as a number one priority in
development of new vehicle. Each single system has been studied and developed in order …

Humidity effects on carbon–carbon composites (fiber pre-form+ CVI)

J Abdo, E Shamseldeen, K Lafdee - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study is to examine the humidity effect on the coefficient of friction and
wear. In this study different identical samples were tested at different humidity conditions of …

Evaluation of disc brake materials for squeal reduction

M Nouby, J Abdo, D Mathivanan… - Tribology …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
A nontraditional evaluation tool is introduced to examine the effects of different materials, in
practical applications, that are used in fabricating disc brake components for commonly used …

Materials sliding wear model based on energy dissipation

J Abdo - Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
A mathematical model is developed to correlate the volumetric wear of materials with the
dissipation energy in sliding contacts. In the analysis, the wear of contacting materials …

Investigation of vibration effects on friction and axial force transfer of buckled rod constrained in a horizontal cylinder

J Abdo, H Al-Sharji - Tribology International, 2015 - Elsevier
The work examines the effects of frequencies of vibrations at different amplitudes on friction
force, axial force transfer, and lock-up force of buckled rod constrained in a horizontal …