Spirituality in the workplace: A systematic review
Purpose The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the extant literature of
workplace spirituality (WPS) in a manner that helps us trace its emergence in management …
workplace spirituality (WPS) in a manner that helps us trace its emergence in management …
Religiosity, spirituality and work: A systematic literature review and research directions
This article presents the results of a systematic literature review (SLR) on religiosity and
spirituality, particularly in the work context. We aimed to verify the state-of-the-art of scientific …
spirituality, particularly in the work context. We aimed to verify the state-of-the-art of scientific …
The effect of spiritual leadership on proactive customer service performance: The roles of psychological empowerment and power distance
D Zhu, W Bahadur, M Ali - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2023 - nature.com
Scholars have consistently demonstrated that spiritual leadership yields positive outcomes
for employees. However, it is not clear how spiritual leadership influences proactive …
for employees. However, it is not clear how spiritual leadership influences proactive …
Organizational spirituality: Concept and perspectives
RG Rocha, PG Pinheiro - Journal of Business Ethics, 2021 - Springer
There is no agreed-upon, unique concept of spirituality; its dimensions and characteristics
depend on the approach used. Spirituality appears in management studies from three main …
depend on the approach used. Spirituality appears in management studies from three main …
The mediating role of quality of work life and organizational commitment in the link between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior
In this modern era, schools require Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of
organization members as one of the determining elements for the smooth process of …
organization members as one of the determining elements for the smooth process of …
Workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support and innovative work behavior: The mediating effects of person-organization fit
Purpose Synthesizing theories of innovative work behavior, workplace spirituality and
person-organization (PO) fit, this paper aims to build and test a theoretical model linking …
person-organization (PO) fit, this paper aims to build and test a theoretical model linking …
Sustaining the earth: Unraveling the synergy of workplace spirituality, responsible leadership, and pro-environmental behavior in Pakistan's SMEs
Purpose The purpose of this research is to investigate the synergistic impact of workplace
spirituality (WPS), responsible leadership (RL), and pro-environmental behavior (PEB) …
spirituality (WPS), responsible leadership (RL), and pro-environmental behavior (PEB) …
The what, why, and how of spirituality in the workplace revisited: A 14-year update and extension
JD Houghton, CP Neck… - Journal of management …, 2016 - ingentaconnect.com
Over the past two decades, conceptual and empirical research on the concept of workplace
spirituality has increased and expanded significantly. An early and influential article by …
spirituality has increased and expanded significantly. An early and influential article by …
How authentic leadership promotes individual creativity: The mediating role of affective commitment
This study sought to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how authentic
leadership can affect employees' individual creativity through affective commitment's …
leadership can affect employees' individual creativity through affective commitment's …
Workplace spirituality, mindfulness meditation, and work engagement
P Petchsawang, GN McLean - Journal of Management …, 2017 - ingentaconnect.com
Workplace spirituality has received increasing attention during the past few decades,
especially their effect on work outcome. The purposes of the research were to:(1) extend the …
especially their effect on work outcome. The purposes of the research were to:(1) extend the …