Knowledge hiding–a systematic review and research agenda

A Anand, F Offergelt, P Anand - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2022 -
Purpose Because of its impact on organisational growth, innovation and employee
performance, knowledge hiding (KH) as a construct has gained increased attention from …

Map** the knowledge-hiding field and its future prospects: a bibliometric co-citation, co-word, and coupling analysis

I Bernatović, A Slavec Gomezel… - … Management Research & …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge-hiding field based on
objective measures of impact. Research on knowledge hiding has grown in recent years …

Antecedents and consequences of knowledge hiding: The roles of HR practices, organizational support for creativity, creativity, innovative work behavior, and task …

AN El-Kassar, GK Dagher, S Lythreatis… - Journal of Business …, 2022 - Elsevier
The aim of this research is to explore drivers and outcomes of knowledge hiding (KH) in the
workplace as well as determine mechanisms in which KH is involved. In particular, the study …

Understanding knowledge hiding in organizations

CE Connelly, M Černe, A Dysvik… - Journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
In our introduction to this special issue on understanding knowledge hiding in organizations,
we provide some context to how and why this phenomenon should be studied. We then …

Antecedents and consequences of knowledge hiding: The moderating role of knowledge hiders and knowledge seekers in organizations

S Chatterjee, R Chaudhuri, A Thrassou… - Journal of Business …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge hiding is an intriguing concept with evident adverse effects on
organizations, as it restrains creativity, hampers teamwork and collaboration, and ultimately …

HPWS and knowledge sharing behavior: The role of psychological empowerment and organizational identification in public sector banks

SG Abbasi, MS Shabbir, M Abbas… - Journal of Public …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Taking a social identity perspective, we predict that high‐performance work system (HPWS)
has a relationship with knowledge sharing behavior (KSB) through psychological …

Share or hide? Investigating positive and negative employee intentions and organizational support in the context of knowledge sharing and hiding

V Pereira, M Mohiya - Journal of business research, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper contributes by investigating positive and negative individual employee intentions
as well as positive and negative organizational support in the context of knowledge sharing …

A critique of the Leader-Member Exchange construct: Back to square one

RK Gottfredson, SL Wright, ED Heaphy - The Leadership Quarterly, 2020 - Elsevier
Nearly all of the scholarship in the area of leader-follower relationships hinges on one
construct: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX). Given the central role of this construct in …

Unveiling the impacts of explicit vs. tacit knowledge hiding on innovation quality: The moderating role of knowledge flow within a firm

Y Duan, M Yang, L Huang, T Chin, F Fiano… - Journal of Business …, 2022 - Elsevier
This study explores how two dimensions of employees' knowledge-hiding behaviours,
explicit knowledge hiding and tacit knowledge hiding, influence a firm's innovation quality …

Knowledge hiding: current research status and future research directions

P He, C Jiang, Z Xu, C Shen - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 -
This article provides a review of scientific articles addressing the topic of knowledge hiding
in organizations. Based on a descriptive analysis, bibliometric analysis, and content analysis …