Towards the next generation of machine learning models in additive manufacturing: A review of process dependent material evolution
Additive manufacturing facilitates producing of complex parts due to its design freedom in a
wide range of applications. Despite considerable advancements in additive manufacturing …
wide range of applications. Despite considerable advancements in additive manufacturing …
[HTML][HTML] Holistic computational design within additive manufacturing through topology optimization combined with multiphysics multi-scale materials and process …
Additive manufacturing (AM) processes have proven to be a perfect match for topology
optimization (TO), as they are able to realize sophisticated geometries in a unique layer-by …
optimization (TO), as they are able to realize sophisticated geometries in a unique layer-by …
Machine learning–aided real-time detection of keyhole pore generation in laser powder bed fusion
Porosity defects are currently a major factor that hinders the widespread adoption of laser-
based metal additive manufacturing technologies. One common porosity occurs when an …
based metal additive manufacturing technologies. One common porosity occurs when an …
[HTML][HTML] Machine learning-assisted in-situ adaptive strategies for the control of defects and anomalies in metal additive manufacturing
In metal additive manufacturing (AM), the material microstructure and part geometry are
formed incrementally. Consequently, the resulting part could be defect-and anomaly-free if …
formed incrementally. Consequently, the resulting part could be defect-and anomaly-free if …
Monitoring and flaw detection during wire-based directed energy deposition using in-situ acoustic sensing and wavelet graph signal analysis
The goal of this work is to detect flaw formation in the wire-based directed energy deposition
(W-DED) process using in-situ sensor data. The W-DED studied in this work is analogous to …
(W-DED) process using in-situ sensor data. The W-DED studied in this work is analogous to …
On the application of in-situ monitoring systems and machine learning algorithms for develo** quality assurance platforms in laser powder bed fusion: A review
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is one class of metal additive manufacturing (AM) used to
fabricate high-quality complex-shape components. This technology has significantly …
fabricate high-quality complex-shape components. This technology has significantly …
[HTML][HTML] In-process and post-process strategies for part quality assessment in metal powder bed fusion: A review
An increasing number of metal components processed by additive manufacturing (AM) are
now being used in industrial applications. However, in the most demanding applications …
now being used in industrial applications. However, in the most demanding applications …
Multi phenomena melt pool sensor data fusion for enhanced process monitoring of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
Finding actionable trends in laser-based metal additive manufacturing process monitoring
data is challenging owing to the diversity and complexity of the underlying physical …
data is challenging owing to the diversity and complexity of the underlying physical …
In-situ process monitoring and adaptive quality enhancement in laser additive manufacturing: a critical review
Abstract Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) presents unparalleled opportunities for
fabricating complex, high-performance structures and components with unique material …
fabricating complex, high-performance structures and components with unique material …
[HTML][HTML] Laser beam sha** facilitates tailoring the mechanical properties of IN718 during powder bed fusion
One of the recent technological developments in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
process is the use of non-Gaussian beam profiles of power density distributions. Irrespective …
process is the use of non-Gaussian beam profiles of power density distributions. Irrespective …