Nonrigid registration of 3D tensor medical data
New medical imaging modalities offering multi-valued data, such as phase contrast MRA
and diffusion tensor MRI, require general representations for the development of automated …
and diffusion tensor MRI, require general representations for the development of automated …
A review of tensors and tensor signal processing
L Cammoun, CA Castaño-Moraga… - Tensors in image …, 2009 - Springer
Tensors have been broadly used in mathematics and physics, since they are a
generalization of scalars or vectors and allow to represent more complex properties. In this …
generalization of scalars or vectors and allow to represent more complex properties. In this …
A performance evaluation of volumetric 3D interest point detectors
This paper presents the first performance evaluation of interest points on scalar volumetric
data. Such data encodes 3D shape, a fundamental property of objects. The use of another …
data. Such data encodes 3D shape, a fundamental property of objects. The use of another …
[KNYGA][B] Medical image analysis methods
L Costaridou - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
To successfully detect and diagnose disease, it is vital for medical diagnosticians to properly
apply the latest medical imaging technologies. It is a worrisome reality that due to either the …
apply the latest medical imaging technologies. It is a worrisome reality that due to either the …
Automatic bone age assessment: a registration approach
MA Martin-Fernandez… - Medical Imaging …, 2003 - spiedigitallibrary.org
In this paper we describe a method for registering human hand radiographs (templates) onto
a target radiograph for automatic bone age assessment. The method itself constitutes a …
a target radiograph for automatic bone age assessment. The method itself constitutes a …
Detection of point landmarks in 3D medical images via phase congruency model
This paper presents a novel technique for detection of point landmarks in volumetric medical
images based on a three-dimensional (3D) Phase Congruency (PC) model. A bank of 3D …
images based on a three-dimensional (3D) Phase Congruency (PC) model. A bank of 3D …
A model-based, semi-global segmentation approach for automatic 3-D point landmark localization in neuroimages
J Liu, W Gao, S Huang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The existing differential approaches for localization of 3-D anatomic point landmarks in 3-D
images are sensitive to noise and usually extract numerous spurious landmarks. The …
images are sensitive to noise and usually extract numerous spurious landmarks. The …
Nonrigid registration using regularized matching weighted by local structure
E Suárez, CF Westin, E Rovaris… - … Conference on Medical …, 2002 - Springer
We present a novel approach to nonrigid registration of volumetric multimodal medical data.
We propose a new regularized template matching scheme, where arbitrary similarity …
We propose a new regularized template matching scheme, where arbitrary similarity …
Articulated registration: Elastic registration based on a wire-model
MA Martin-Fernandez… - Medical Imaging …, 2005 - spiedigitallibrary.org
In this paper we propose a new method of elastic registration of anatomical structures that
bears an inner skeleton, such as the knee, hand or spine. Such a method has to deal with …
bears an inner skeleton, such as the knee, hand or spine. Such a method has to deal with …
Diffusion-tensor image registration
In this chapter, we introduce the problem of registering diffusion tensor magnetic resonance
(DT-MR) images. The registration task for these images is made challenging by the …
(DT-MR) images. The registration task for these images is made challenging by the …