[HTML][HTML] Particleboard from agricultural biomass and recycled wood waste: A review
The use of alternative raw materials such as agricultural biomass and recycled wood waste
and by-products in particleboard production is a viable approach to respond to the …
and by-products in particleboard production is a viable approach to respond to the …
Experimental study on preparation and performance of the Corn Straw Fiber (CSF) reinforced EPS concrete
Z Wu, X Wang, Z Chen - Journal of Building Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
With the full factor experimental design method carried out, 20 sets of EPS concrete
specimens with different mass fractions of Corn Straw Fiber (CSF) and Expanded …
specimens with different mass fractions of Corn Straw Fiber (CSF) and Expanded …
Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) reinforced with date palm fibres
S Dehghan, A Hassani - Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The mechanical properties of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP), reinforced with
date palm fibres, were investigated for the first time in this study. Date palm fibres extracted …
date palm fibres, were investigated for the first time in this study. Date palm fibres extracted …
Effect of a water-tolerant Lewis acid catalyst on the yields and properties of hydrochars from hydrothermal carbonization of walnut wood
The hydrothermal carbonization of walnut wood chips was conducted at 200–250° C for 1–8
h. Increasing the hydrothermal carbonization temperature or the residence time decreased …
h. Increasing the hydrothermal carbonization temperature or the residence time decreased …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of Formulation and Hot-Pressing Conditions on the Performance of Bio-Based Molasses Adhesive for Plywood.
Molasses can serve as a natural adhesive for plywood and particleboard. However, several
disadvantages remain, including lower dimensional stability and low bonding strength …
disadvantages remain, including lower dimensional stability and low bonding strength …
[PDF][PDF] Properties of Eco-Friendly Oriented Strand Board Produced from Oil Palm Trunk.
Despite its considerable potential, oil palm trunk (OPT) remains underutilized, largely owing
to the cyclical replanting process that occurs every 25–30 years. This study aimed to …
to the cyclical replanting process that occurs every 25–30 years. This study aimed to …
Optimization and characterization of cellulose acetate produced from oil palm empty fruit bunches
Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) are solid waste from the palm oil processing
industry. The components of OPEFB include cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. OPEFB …
industry. The components of OPEFB include cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. OPEFB …
Preparation and characterization of porous carbon-based oil palm empty fruit bunch as a candidate material for an electromagnetic waves absorber application
An absorber with lightweight, low-cost, high absorption and broad frequency bandwidth is
highly expected to design an electromagnetic wave absorber application. In this paper, the …
highly expected to design an electromagnetic wave absorber application. In this paper, the …
Structural properties and adsorption capability of activated carbon from oil palm shell by using hydrothermal-pyrolysis method
RY Arundina, ERS Togatorop, SM Sutan… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Activated carbon (AC) has a broad range of applications such as wastewater treatment, gas
separation, purification, energy storage, and adsorbents. However, the majority of …
separation, purification, energy storage, and adsorbents. However, the majority of …
The effect of stand age and sampling position on solar drying performance and post-drying quality of oil palm lumber
The solar drying process creates a mild drying condition which might be suitable for oil palm
wood. The drying process of a particular wood is also affected by its intrinsic factors, such as …
wood. The drying process of a particular wood is also affected by its intrinsic factors, such as …