[КНИГА][B] Waking, dreaming, being: Self and consciousness in neuroscience, meditation, and philosophy

E Thompson - 2014 - degruyter.com
be constantly changing, because these states are constantly changing. Mental states
especially come and go, arising and ceasing, so if the self were identical to either the …

A personalized history of EEG–fMRI integration

H Laufs - Neuroimage, 2012 - Elsevier
In this personalized review, the history of EEG recorded simultaneously with functional MRI
(EEG–fMRI) is summarized. A brief overview is given of the hardware development followed …

Curing epilepsy: progress and future directions

MP Jacobs, GG Leblanc, A Brooks-Kayal, FE Jensen… - Epilepsy & Behavior, 2009 - Elsevier
During the past decade, substantial progress has been made in delineating clinical features
of the epilepsies and the basic mechanisms responsible for these disorders. Eleven human …

Role of subdural electrocorticography in prediction of long-term seizure outcome in epilepsy surgery

E Asano, C Juhasz, A Shah, S Sood, HT Chugani - Brain, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Since prediction of long-term seizure outcome using preoperative diagnostic modalities
remains suboptimal in epilepsy surgery, we evaluated whether interictal spike frequency …

EEG correlated functional MRI and postoperative outcome in focal epilepsy

R Thornton, H Laufs, R Rodionov… - Journal of Neurology …, 2010 - jnnp.bmj.com
Background The main challenge in assessing patients with epilepsy for resective surgery is
localising seizure onset. Frequently, identification of the irritative and seizure onset zones …

Different structures involved during ictal and interictal epileptic activity in malformations of cortical development: an EEG-fMRI study

L Tyvaert, C Hawco, E Kobayashi, P LeVan, F Dubeau… - Brain, 2008 - academic.oup.com
Malformations of cortical development (MCDs) are commonly complicated by intractable
focal epilepsy. Epileptogenesis in these disorders is not well understood and may depend …

[КНИГА][B] Anomalistic psychology: Exploring paranormal belief and experience

CC French, A Stone - 2017 - books.google.com
The science behind claims of alien encounters and visions of ghosts can be even more
fascinating than the sensationalist headlines. What leads some people to believe in the …

Preictal and ictal neurovascular and metabolic coupling surrounding a seizure focus

M Zhao, J Nguyen, H Ma, N Nishimura… - Journal of …, 2011 - jneurosci.org
Epileptic events initiate a large focal increase in metabolism and cerebral blood flow (CBF)
to the ictal focus. In contrast, decreases in CBF have been demonstrated surrounding the …

BOLD changes occur prior to epileptic spikes seen on scalp EEG

CS Hawco, AP Bagshaw, Y Lu, F Dubeau, J Gotman - Neuroimage, 2007 - Elsevier
This study examined BOLD changes prior to interictal discharges in the EEG of patients with
epilepsy. From a database of 143 EEG–fMRI studies, we selected the 16 data sets that …