Environmental consequences of using insect meal as an ingredient in aquafeeds: A systematic view
H Quang Tran, H Van Doan… - Reviews in Aquaculture, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We retrieved data from various studies to investigate the consequences of insect meal
production and insect meal‐based diets with respect to their environmental impact, including …
production and insect meal‐based diets with respect to their environmental impact, including …
Microbial‐based systems for aquaculture of fish and shrimp: an updated review
LR Martínez‐Córdova, M Emerenciano… - Reviews in …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The continuous development of world aquaculture demands new strategies and alternatives
aimed to achieve sustainability. The use or microorganisms in aquaculture has greatly …
aimed to achieve sustainability. The use or microorganisms in aquaculture has greatly …
World aquaculture: environmental impacts and troubleshooting alternatives
M Martinez-Porchas… - The Scientific World …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Aquaculture has been considered as an option to cope with the world food demand.
However, criticisms have arisen around aquaculture, most of them related to the destruction …
However, criticisms have arisen around aquaculture, most of them related to the destruction …
Parameters selection for water quality index in the assessment of the environmental impacts of land-based trout farms
This study aimed to check the effectiveness of water quality indices (WQIs) in the specific
assessment of trout culture impacts on a stream water quality by selecting the parameters in …
assessment of trout culture impacts on a stream water quality by selecting the parameters in …
Fasting and its implications for fish welfare in Atlantic salmon aquaculture
Periods of fasting occur for a multitude of reasons in Atlantic salmon aquaculture. Feed
withdrawal is widely used prior to transport, parasite treatments, preslaughter and for …
withdrawal is widely used prior to transport, parasite treatments, preslaughter and for …
A global review of seahorse aquaculture
HJ Koldewey, KM Martin-Smith - Aquaculture, 2010 - Elsevier
Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) are flagship species for many issues in marine conservation
including overexploitation, incidental bycatch and habitat loss. Aquaculture has been …
including overexploitation, incidental bycatch and habitat loss. Aquaculture has been …
[PDF][PDF] Review on water quality parameters in freshwater cage fish culture
PA Devi, P Padmavathy, S Aanand… - International Journal of …, 2017 - academia.edu
Cage culture of fish is one of the proven methods of aquaculture. Cage culture is being
looked up as an opportunity to utilize existing inland water sources with great production …
looked up as an opportunity to utilize existing inland water sources with great production …
Reduction in the environmental impact of waste discharged by fish farms through feed and feeding
AK Amirkolaie - Reviews in Aquaculture, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The discharge of waste from aquaculture operations can lead to eutrophication and
destruction of natural ecosystem in receiving water body. A controlled waste production …
destruction of natural ecosystem in receiving water body. A controlled waste production …
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): The “Super-Chicken” of the Sea?
O Torrissen, RE Olsen, R Toresen… - Reviews in Fisheries …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, the definition of sustainability is discussed, particularly in relation to the use of
marine feed resources. The current review gives an overview of the development of Atlantic …
marine feed resources. The current review gives an overview of the development of Atlantic …
Aquaculture industry in China: current state, challenges, and outlook
X Li, J Li, Y Wang, L Fu, Y Fu, B Li… - Reviews in fisheries …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Aquaculture in China accounts for nearly 70% of world aquaculture production. Aquaculture,
including a wide variety of freshwater and marine fishes, shellfish, crustaceans, and aquatic …
including a wide variety of freshwater and marine fishes, shellfish, crustaceans, and aquatic …