Accelerating convolutional neural network with FFT on embedded hardware
Fueled by ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge and Common Objects in
Context competitions, the convolutional neural network (CNN) has become important in …
Context competitions, the convolutional neural network (CNN) has become important in …
A unit-based, cost-efficient scheduler for heterogeneous Hadoop systems
A significant amount of research in the field of job scheduling is carried out in Hadoop.
However, there is still need for research to overcome some challenges regarding scheduling …
However, there is still need for research to overcome some challenges regarding scheduling …
Architectural considerations for FPGA acceleration of Machine Learning Applications in MapReduce
While demand for data center computational resources continues to grow as the size of data
grows, the semiconductor industry has reached scaling limits and is no longer able to …
grows, the semiconductor industry has reached scaling limits and is no longer able to …
Deterministic data distribution for efficient recovery in erasure-coded storage systems
Due to individual unreliable commodity components, failures are common in large-scale
distributed storage systems. Erasure codes are widely deployed in practical storage systems …
distributed storage systems. Erasure codes are widely deployed in practical storage systems …
MeNa: A memory navigator for modern hardware in a scale-out environment
Scale-out infrastructure such as Cloud is built upon a large network of multi-core processors.
Performance, power consumption, and capital cost of such infrastructure depend on the …
Performance, power consumption, and capital cost of such infrastructure depend on the …
Scheduling multithreaded applications onto heterogeneous composite cores architecture
Composite Cores Architecture (CCA), a class of dynamic heterogeneous architectures,
enables the system to construct the right core at run-time for each application by composing …
enables the system to construct the right core at run-time for each application by composing …
Energy-efficient acceleration of MapReduce applications using FPGAs
In this paper, we present a full end-to-end implementation of big data analytics applications
in a heterogeneous CPU+ FPGA architecture. Selecting the optimal architecture that results …
in a heterogeneous CPU+ FPGA architecture. Selecting the optimal architecture that results …
Ecost: Energy-efficient co-locating and self-tuning mapreduce applications
Datacenters provide high performance and flexibility for users and cost efficiency for
operators. Hyperscale datacenters are harnessing massively scalable computer resources …
operators. Hyperscale datacenters are harnessing massively scalable computer resources …
Understanding the role of memory subsystem on performance and energy-efficiency of Hadoop applications
The memory subsystem has always been one of the performance bottlenecks in computer
systems. Given the large size of data, therefore, the questions of whether Big Data requires …
systems. Given the large size of data, therefore, the questions of whether Big Data requires …
Dynamic ranking-based MapReduce job scheduler to exploit heterogeneous performance in a virtualized environment
Abstract “More data, more information.” Big data helps businesses and research
communities to gain insights and increase productivity. Many public cloud service providers …
communities to gain insights and increase productivity. Many public cloud service providers …