Network coding theory part I: single source

RW Yeung, SYR Li, N Cai… - Foundations and Trends® …, 2006 -
Store-and-forward had been the predominant technique for transmitting information through
a network until its optimality was refuted by network coding theory. Network coding offers a …

[KNYGA][B] Physical-layer security: from information theory to security engineering

M Bloch, J Barros - 2011 -
This complete guide to physical-layer security presents the theoretical foundations, practical
implementation, challenges and benefits of a groundbreaking new model for secure …

Network coding: an instant primer

C Fragouli, JY Le Boudec, J Widmer - ACM SIGCOMM Computer …, 2006 -
Network coding is a new research area that may have interesting applications in practical
networking systems. With network coding, intermediate nodes may send out packets that are …

[KNYGA][B] Network coding: an introduction

T Ho, D Lun - 2008 -
Network coding promises to significantly impact the way communications networks are
designed, operated, and understood. This book presents a unified and intuitive overview of …

On security against pollution attacks in network coding enabled 5g networks

VA Vasudevan, C Tselios, I Politis - IEEE Access, 2020 -
Future communication networks need to harness the available spectrum more efficiently to
cater the requirements of the ever-increasing digital devices. Higher data rate with low …

Secure network coding on a wiretap network

N Cai, RW Yeung - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2010 -
In the paradigm of network coding, the nodes in a network are allowed to encode the
information received from the input links. With network coding, the full capacity of the …

Toward secure and lightweight data transmission for cloud–edge–terminal collaboration in artificial intelligence of things

W Fang, C Zhu, W Zhang - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023 -
As one of data sources in cloud–edge–terminal collaboration enabled artificial intelligence
of things (CETC-AIoT), the integrity and confidentiality of sensed information in the terminal …

Network coding applications

C Fragouli, E Soljanin - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2008 -
Network coding is an elegant and novel technique introduced at the turn of the millennium to
improve network throughput and performance. It is expected to be a critical technology for …

Universal secure network coding via rank-metric codes

D Silva, FR Kschischang - IEEE Transactions on Information …, 2011 -
The problem of securing a network coding communication system against an eavesdropper
is considered. The network implements linear network coding to deliver n packets from …

Network coding-based post-quantum cryptography

A Cohen, RGL D'Oliveira, S Salamatian… - IEEE journal on …, 2021 -
We propose a novel hybrid universal network-coding cryptosystem (HUNCC) to obtain
secure post-quantum cryptography at high communication rates. The secure network-coding …