Analysis of rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves of Baghdad city

ES Mahdi, MZ Mohamedmeki - IOP Conference Series: Materials …, 2020 -
An appropriate formula of rainfall data is the Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) relationship.
The rainfall IDF relationship is one of the tools used considerably in water resources …

Comprehensive Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Implications of Rainfall Distribution in Pakistan

F Haseeb, S Ali, N Ahmed, N Alarifi, YM Youssef - Atmosphere, 2025 -
Accurately selecting an appropriate probability distribution model is a critical challenge
when predicting extreme rainfall in arid and semi-arid regions, especially in countries with …

Analisa Distribusi Curah Hujan Harian Maksimum di Stasiun Pengukur Hujan Terpilih di Wilayah Klaten Periode 2008-2018

PS Pudyastuti, RA Musthofa - Dinamika Teknik Sipil: Majalah …, 2020 -
Data hujan merupakan data penting untuk mendesain beragam bangunan infrastruktur
keairan seperti kanal banjir, bendungan, jaringan irigasi, jembatan, tanggul, dan saluran air …

Intercomparison of Extreme Rainfall Estimates Using Normal, Gamma and Pearson, and Extreme Value Families of Probability Distributions

N Vivekanandan - Integrated Management of Water Resources in India: A …, 2024 - Springer
Estimation of extreme rainfall for a given return period is considered as one of the important
parameters for planning, design, operation and management of civil and hydraulic …

Comparison of Probability Distributions for Extreme Value Analysis and Predicting Monthly Rainfall Pattern Using Bayesian Regularized ANN

N Vivekanandan, S Singh, MK Goyal - Ecosystem Restoration: Towards …, 2023 - Springer
The estimation of rainfall for a given return period is of utmost importance for the planning
and design of minor and major hydraulic structures. This can be accomplished using an …

Effect of data length on estimation of rainfall using six probability distributions

N Vivekanandan - Water and Energy International, 2022 -
Frequency analysis of rainfall is one of the important tools to estimate the design rainfall,
which is also considered as an input to predict the design flood. This can be used for …

Regionalización de precipitación máxima diaria en Moquegua Perú

EL Flores-Quispe, E Flores-Condori… - … Científica de la …, 2022 -
La regionalización de precipitación máxima sirve para diseño hidrológico y mitigar efectos
desastrosos. Los objetivos fueron: realizar la regionalización de precipitación máxima de 24 …

Statistical analysis and determination of best-fit probability distribution for monthly rainfall in Northern Cyprus

Y Kassem, H Gökçekuş, H Çamur, E Esenel - Desalination and Water …, 2021 - Elsevier
Estimating and analyzing the frequency of rainfall is essential to help in defining the policies
regarding water resource management and a source of data for flood hazard mitigation …

Assessing downstream flood risk under changing climate for Bakun Dam in Sarawak

JB Chin, HB Takaijudin, SHB Shafiai - International Journal of …, 2022 -
Abstract Rajang River Basin (RRB) comprise about 40% of the Sarawak State area in
Malaysia. Any extreme storm event in the Upper RRB may cause a flood, affecting the …

Identification of the most suitable probability distribution models for monthly and annual rainfall series in Güzelyurt Region, Northern Cyprus

Y Kassem, H Gökçekuş, R Gökçekuş - Desalination and Water Treatment, 2021 - Elsevier
Precise information of rainfall probability distribution is truly significant for many hydrological
studies such as extreme flood analysis, drought investigations, reservoir volume studies …