Phase and correlation inrandom'seismic fields and the reconstruction of the green function

M Campillo - Pure and applied geophysics, 2006 - Springer
We first present a summary of recent results on coda interpretation. We emphasize the
observation of the stabilization of P to S energy ratio indicating the modal equipartition of the …

Numerical shake prediction for earthquake early warning: Data assimilation, real‐time shake map**, and simulation of wave propagation

M Hoshiba, S Aoki - Bulletin of the Seismological Society …, 2015 -
Many of the present earthquake early warning (EEW) systems quickly determine an event's
hypocenter and magnitude and then predict strengths of ground motions. The M w 9.0 …

Separation of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in the Southern Apennine zone, Italy

F Bianco, E Del Pezzo, M Castellano… - Geophysical Journal …, 2002 -
Scattered waves observed at the seismographs of the National Italy's seismic network have
been used to investigate the intrinsic dissipation and scattering properties of the lithosphere …

Seismic wave scattering in volcanoes

E Del Pezzo - Advances in geophysics, 2008 - Elsevier
Volcano‐tectonic earthquakes produce high‐frequency seismograms characterized by
impulsive shear mechanism; their seismogram coda reflects the random inhomogeneity of …

Subduction initiation at the Solomon back‐arc basin: Contributions from both island arc rheological strength and oceanic plateau collision

L Wang, L Dai, W Gong, S Li, X Jiang… - Geophysical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
It is generally accepted that the subduction polarity reversal (SPR) results from the strong
collision of two plates. Yet, the SPR of the Solomon Back‐arc Basin is started in the “soft …

Radiative transfer theory for estimation of the seismic moment

C Sens-Schönfelder, U Wegler - Geophysical Journal …, 2006 -
We propose a new technique to obtain source spectra and seismic moments of regional
earthquakes from envelopes of seismic coda. As compared to existing methods, our …

Separation of depth-dependent intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in the northeastern sector of the Italian Peninsula

F Bianco, ED Pezzo, L Malagnini… - Geophysical Journal …, 2005 -
We investigated the intrinsic dissipation and scattering properties of the lithosphere under
the Friuli region (northeastern Italy) using two hypotheses:(i) a uniform earth model and (ii) …

Depth and spatial variation of the shear wave attenuation parameters in the Shallow Crust and Lower Crust/Upper Mantle of Mt. Etna (Italy)

E Giampiccolo, T Tuvè, F Bianco… - Pure and Applied …, 2024 - Springer
Seismic wave attenuation is a key feature of seismic wave propagation that provides
constraints on the composition and physical state of the medium within the Earth. We …

[PDF][PDF] Introduction to radiative transfer of seismic waves

L Margerin - Geophysical Monograph-American Geophysical Union, 2005 -
We present a detailed introduction to radiative transfer in seismology. Starting from the well-
known phenomenological approach for acoustic waves, the theory is then generalized to …

Induced earthquake source parameters, attenuation, and site effects from waveform envelopes in the Fennoscandian Shield

T Eulenfeld, G Hillers, TAT Vuorinen… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
We analyze envelopes of 233 and 22 ML0. 0 to ML1. 8 earthquakes induced by two
geothermal stimulations in the Helsinki, Finland, metropolitan area. We separate source …