Serre's uniformity problem in the split Cartan case

Y Bilu, P Parent - Annals of Mathematics, 2011 - JSTOR
We prove that there exists an integer p₀ such that X split (p)(ℚ) is made of cusps and CM-
points for any prime p> p₀. Equivalently, for any non-CM elliptic curve E over ℚ and any …

On the field of definition of-torsion points on elliptic curves over the rationals

Á Lozano-Robledo - Mathematische Annalen, 2013 - Springer
Let S_\mathbb Q (d) be the set of primes p for which there exists a number field K of degree
≤ d and an elliptic curve E/\mathbb Q, such that the order of the torsion subgroup of E (K) is …

Modular hyperbolas

IE Shparlinski - Japanese Journal of Mathematics, 2012 - Springer
We give a survey of a variety of recent results about the distribution and some geometric
properties of points (x, y) on modular hyperbolas xy ≡ a\;(\mod m). We also outline a very …

Almost all elliptic curves are Serre curves

N Jones - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2010 -
Using a multidimensional large sieve inequality, we obtain a bound for the mean-square
error in the Chebotarev theorem for division fields of elliptic curves that is as strong as what …

Big symplectic or orthogonal monodromy modulo

C Hall - 2008 -
Let k be a field not of characteristic two, and let Λ be a set consisting of almost all rational
primes invertible in k. Suppose that we have a variety X/k and strictly compatible system {M …

Elliptic curves with abelian division fields

E González–Jiménez, Á Lozano-Robledo - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2016 - Springer
Let E be an elliptic curve over QQ, and let n ≥ 1 n≥ 1. The central object of study of this
article is the division field Q (E n) Q (E n) that results by adjoining to QQ the coordinates of all …

Gonality of modular curves in characteristic p

B Poonen - arxiv preprint math/0601141, 2006 -
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Let X (p^ e; N) be the curve
parameterizing elliptic curves with full level N structure (where p does not divide N) and full …

On the Average of p-Selmer Ranks in Quadratic Twist Families of Elliptic Curves Over Global Function Fields

SW Park, N Wang - International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024 -
Let be a finite field whose characteristic is relatively prime to and. Let be a prime number that
is coprime to. Let be an elliptic curve over the global function field such that contains the …

Inverse Lax–Wendroff procedure for numerical boundary conditions of hyperbolic equations: survey and new developments

S Tan, CW Shu - Advances in applied mathematics, modeling, and …, 2013 - Springer
In this paper, we give a survey and discuss new developments and computational results for
a high order accurate numerical boundary condition based on finite difference methods for …

Elliptic curves with maximal Galois action on their torsion points

D Zywina - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Given an elliptic curve E over a number field k, the Galois action on the torsion points of E
induces a Galois representation ρE: Gal (k̄/k)→ GL2 (ℤ̂) For a fixed number field k, we …