Innovation in physical education: Teachers' perspectives on readiness for wearable technology integration

HA Almusawi, CM Durugbo, AM Bugawa - Computers & Education, 2021 - Elsevier
The purpose of this article is to explore physical education teachers' perspectives on their
readiness to use and integrate wearable technology as an innovation in physical education …

Qualitative case study data analysis: An example from practice

C Houghton, K Murphy, D Shaw, D Casey - Nurse researcher, 2015 -
Background There is often little detail in case study research about how data were analysed.
However, it is important that comprehensive analysis procedures are used because there …

Promoting digital citizenship among student-teachers: The role of project-based learning in improving appropriate online behaviors

WH Prasetiyo, B Sumardjoko, A Muhibbin… - Participatory …, 2023 -
Due to the widespread use of the Internet, digital space has now pervaded schools. This
study aimed to investigate student-teachers' perspectives and experiences of digital …

Supporting transgender students in schools: Beyond an individualist approach to trans inclusion in the education system

W Martino, J Kassen, K Omercajic - Educational Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we provide theoretically informed empirical insights into administrative and
pedagogical approaches to supporting transgender students in schools which rely on a …

Closing capability gaps for procuring infrastructure public-private partnerships: A case study in China

S Zhang, R Leiringer - International Journal of Project Management, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper explores how public sector owners (PSOs) close capability gaps between
existing capabilities and required capabilities when first entering into infrastructure Public …

From the past into the future. How technological developments change our ways of data collection, transcription and analysis

JC Evers - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum …, 2011 -
In the last fifty years, recording devices have taken a central position on stage in the
empirical social sciences during data collection (tape and voice recorders, photo and video …

Targets' co** with workplace bullying: a qualitative study

I Karatuna - … Research in Organizations and Management: An …, 2015 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to explore targets' co** strategies in dealing with
workplace bullying and to determine the possible contributing effects of these strategies to …

Elaborating on thick analysis: About thoroughness and creativity in qualitative analysis

JC Evers - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum …, 2016 -
This article elaborates on the concept of thick analysis, introduced in 2010 by EVERS and
VAN STAA. The aim of thick analysis is to enhance the depth and breadth of data analysis …

[PDF][PDF] Current issues in qualitative data analysis software (QDAS): A user and developer perspective

JC Evers - The Qualitative Report, 2018 -
This paper describes recent issues and developments in Qualitative Data Analysis Software
(QDAS) as presented in the opening plenary at the KWALON 2016 conference. From a user …

'Thick analysis': strategie om de kwaliteit van kwalitatieve data-analyse te verhogen

A Van Staa, J Evers - Kwalon, 2010 -
Kwalitatief onderzoek produceert grote hoeveelheden ruwe data, wat kwalitatieve data-
analyse vaak complex en veeleisend maakt en van de onderzoeker (s) flexibiliteit, ervaring …