Groundwater assessment and environmental impact in the abandoned mine of Kettara (Morocco)

J Moyé, T Picard-Lesteven, L Zouhri, K El Amari… - Environmental …, 2017 - Elsevier
Many questions about the soil pollution due to mining activities have been analyzed by
numerous methods which help to evaluate the dispersion of the Metallic Trace Elements …

Mobilisation of rare earth elements in shear zones: Insights from the Tabouchent granodioritic pluton (Jebilet massif, Variscan Belt, Morocco)

A Essaifi, AM Lacinska, M Corsini, KM Goodenough… - Ore Geology …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract In the Jebilet massif (Variscan belt, Morocco), two peraluminous granodioritic
plutons (the Eastern and Central Jebilet plutons) are spatially associated with a regional …

Multiple fluid flow events from salt‐related rifting to basin inversion (Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, SE Pyrenees)

D Cruset, J Vergés, A Benedicto, E Gomez‐Rivas… - Basin …, 2021 -
Fluid systems in inverted rifted margins are challenging to interpret because fractures
formed before compression were often reactivated acting as fluid pathways as new ones …

Evaporitic brines and copper-sulphide ore genesis at Jbel Haïmer (Central Jebilet, Morocco)

S Essarraj, MC Boiron, M Cathelineau, C Peiffert - Ore Geology Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Jbel Haïmer copper-sulphide mineralisation occurs at 20 km north of
Marrakesh in the Variscan Jebilet massif, Morocco. Most of the ores (up to 3.9 wt% Cu,≤ 38 …

Geology and Metallogenesis of the Sediment‐Hosted Cu‐Ag Deposit of Tizert (Igherm Inlier, Anti‐Atlas Copperbelt, Morocco)

A Oummouch, A Essaifi, R Zayane, O Maddi… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The Tizert Cu‐Ag deposit is the largest of a series of sediment‐hosted copper deposits of the
Anti‐Atlas copper province in Morocco. Mineralized rocks in the deposit contain …

A Devonian age for the Sarhlef Formation (Jebilet Massif, Morocco)–evidence from new biostratigraphic data based on metamorphosed conodonts

N Lazreq, P Königshof, A Essaifi, A Bouari… - Palaeogeography …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Sarhlef Formation, which hosts the massive sulphide deposits of the Moroccan
Meseta, has been considered as Carboniferous in age. Moreover, palynological analysis of …

[HTML][HTML] The hajjar regional transpressive shear zone (Guemassa massif, Morocco): consequences on the deformation of the base-metal massive sulfide ore

S Admou, Y Branquet, L Badra, L Barbanson… - Minerals, 2018 -
The genesis of the base-metal massive sulfide deposits hosted within the Moroccan
Hercynian Jebilet and Guemassa Massifs is still under debate. No consensus currently …

The Moroccan massive sulphide deposits: evidence for a polyphase mineralization

A Essaifi, K Goodenough, F Tornos, A Outigua… - Minerals, 2019 -
This work provides an overview of the geological, geochemical, and metallogenic data
available up to date on the Moroccan massive sulphide deposits, including some new …

Morphological, mineral and geochemical characterization of soil profiles in Meïganga as tools for rock weathering intensity and trend evaluation and residual ore …

TW Tchaptchet, P Tematio, TN Guimapi, E Happi… - 2021 -
This paper focuses on the use of morphological, mineral and geochemical characterization
of soil profiles to assess rocks weathering trends and intensity as tools for mineral …