Groundwater assessment and environmental impact in the abandoned mine of Kettara (Morocco)
J Moyé, T Picard-Lesteven, L Zouhri, K El Amari… - Environmental …, 2017 - Elsevier
Many questions about the soil pollution due to mining activities have been analyzed by
numerous methods which help to evaluate the dispersion of the Metallic Trace Elements …
numerous methods which help to evaluate the dispersion of the Metallic Trace Elements …
Mobilisation of rare earth elements in shear zones: Insights from the Tabouchent granodioritic pluton (Jebilet massif, Variscan Belt, Morocco)
Abstract In the Jebilet massif (Variscan belt, Morocco), two peraluminous granodioritic
plutons (the Eastern and Central Jebilet plutons) are spatially associated with a regional …
plutons (the Eastern and Central Jebilet plutons) are spatially associated with a regional …
Multiple fluid flow events from salt‐related rifting to basin inversion (Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, SE Pyrenees)
Fluid systems in inverted rifted margins are challenging to interpret because fractures
formed before compression were often reactivated acting as fluid pathways as new ones …
formed before compression were often reactivated acting as fluid pathways as new ones …
Evaporitic brines and copper-sulphide ore genesis at Jbel Haïmer (Central Jebilet, Morocco)
S Essarraj, MC Boiron, M Cathelineau, C Peiffert - Ore Geology Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Jbel Haïmer copper-sulphide mineralisation occurs at 20 km north of
Marrakesh in the Variscan Jebilet massif, Morocco. Most of the ores (up to 3.9 wt% Cu,≤ 38 …
Marrakesh in the Variscan Jebilet massif, Morocco. Most of the ores (up to 3.9 wt% Cu,≤ 38 …
Geology and Metallogenesis of the Sediment‐Hosted Cu‐Ag Deposit of Tizert (Igherm Inlier, Anti‐Atlas Copperbelt, Morocco)
A Oummouch, A Essaifi, R Zayane, O Maddi… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The Tizert Cu‐Ag deposit is the largest of a series of sediment‐hosted copper deposits of the
Anti‐Atlas copper province in Morocco. Mineralized rocks in the deposit contain …
Anti‐Atlas copper province in Morocco. Mineralized rocks in the deposit contain …
A Devonian age for the Sarhlef Formation (Jebilet Massif, Morocco)–evidence from new biostratigraphic data based on metamorphosed conodonts
Abstract The Sarhlef Formation, which hosts the massive sulphide deposits of the Moroccan
Meseta, has been considered as Carboniferous in age. Moreover, palynological analysis of …
Meseta, has been considered as Carboniferous in age. Moreover, palynological analysis of …
[HTML][HTML] The hajjar regional transpressive shear zone (Guemassa massif, Morocco): consequences on the deformation of the base-metal massive sulfide ore
S Admou, Y Branquet, L Badra, L Barbanson… - Minerals, 2018 - mdpi.com
The genesis of the base-metal massive sulfide deposits hosted within the Moroccan
Hercynian Jebilet and Guemassa Massifs is still under debate. No consensus currently …
Hercynian Jebilet and Guemassa Massifs is still under debate. No consensus currently …
The Moroccan massive sulphide deposits: evidence for a polyphase mineralization
This work provides an overview of the geological, geochemical, and metallogenic data
available up to date on the Moroccan massive sulphide deposits, including some new …
available up to date on the Moroccan massive sulphide deposits, including some new …
Etude tectono-thermique d'un segment orogénique varisque à histoire géologique complexe: analyse structurale, géochronologique et thermique du massif des …
S Delchini - 2018 - theses.hal.science
Cette thèse présente la reconstruction de l'histoire tectono-thermique du massif varisque
des Jebilet (Maroc) à fort potentiel minier, depuis son évolution pré-orogénique au …
des Jebilet (Maroc) à fort potentiel minier, depuis son évolution pré-orogénique au …
Morphological, mineral and geochemical characterization of soil profiles in Meïganga as tools for rock weathering intensity and trend evaluation and residual ore …
TW Tchaptchet, P Tematio, TN Guimapi, E Happi… - 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
This paper focuses on the use of morphological, mineral and geochemical characterization
of soil profiles to assess rocks weathering trends and intensity as tools for mineral …
of soil profiles to assess rocks weathering trends and intensity as tools for mineral …