Review on the impact of urban geometry and pedestrian level greening on outdoor thermal comfort
The number of hot days is increasing in many parts of the world because of the heat island
phenomenon and global climate change. High air temperature greatly affects human …
phenomenon and global climate change. High air temperature greatly affects human …
Using cool pavements as a mitigation strategy to fight urban heat island—A review of the actual developments
M Santamouris - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013 - Elsevier
Heat island phenomenon rises the temperature of cities, increases the energy demand for
cooling and deteriorates comfort conditions in the urban environment. To counterbalance …
cooling and deteriorates comfort conditions in the urban environment. To counterbalance …
Assessment of urban heat island based on the relationship between land surface temperature and land use/land cover in Tehran
M Bokaie, MK Zarkesh, PD Arasteh… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2016 - Elsevier
In this study, the relationship between land surface temperature (LST) and Land Use/Land
Cover (LULC) in Tehran Metropolitan City was studied using Landsat TM satellite image. For …
Cover (LULC) in Tehran Metropolitan City was studied using Landsat TM satellite image. For …
Analysis of urban heat island characteristics and mitigation strategies for eight arid and semi-arid gulf region cities
A Abulibdeh - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021 - Springer
The aim of the study is, therefore, to analyze the formation of the UHIs in eight different cities
in arid and semi-arid regions. The analysis is based on land cover (LC) classification (urban …
in arid and semi-arid regions. The analysis is based on land cover (LC) classification (urban …
Innovating to zero the building sector in Europe: Minimising the energy consumption, eradication of the energy poverty and mitigating the local climate change
M Santamouris - Solar Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
The present paper discusses issues related to the three major problems of the built
environment in Europe and in particular, the energy consumption of buildings, the energy …
environment in Europe and in particular, the energy consumption of buildings, the energy …
Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigating strategies: A case-based comparative analysis
Urbanisation may have been shown to have no effect on climate change, but some
researchers suggest that cities are fully capable of responding to it. Urban Heat Islands …
researchers suggest that cities are fully capable of responding to it. Urban Heat Islands …
Assessing the urban heat island and its energy impact on residential buildings in Mediterranean climate: Barcelona case study
Abstract The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is particularly concerning in Mediterranean
zone, as climate change and UHI scenarios foresee a fast growth of energy consumption for …
zone, as climate change and UHI scenarios foresee a fast growth of energy consumption for …
Using cool paving materials to improve microclimate of urban areas–Design realization and results of the flisvos project
M Santamouris, N Gaitani, A Spanou, M Saliari… - Building and …, 2012 - Elsevier
The present paper deals with the application of 4500 m2 of reflective pavements in an urban
park in the greater Athens area. The aim was to improve thermal comfort conditions, reduce …
park in the greater Athens area. The aim was to improve thermal comfort conditions, reduce …
Using reflective pavements to mitigate urban heat island in warm climates-Results from a large scale urban mitigation project
GE Kyriakodis, M Santamouris - Urban Climate, 2018 - Elsevier
UHI is the most studied phenomenon of climate change and refers to the increased ambient
temperature of cities compared to rural settings. Implementation of reflective materials to …
temperature of cities compared to rural settings. Implementation of reflective materials to …
Research trends on environmental, energy and vulnerability impacts of Urban Heat Islands: An overview
ME Gonzalez-Trevizo, KE Martinez-Torres… - Energy and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Scientific research on Urban heat islands (UHI) and urban. overheating has set new
challenges for societies regarding risk and vulnerabilities, energy demands and mitigation …
challenges for societies regarding risk and vulnerabilities, energy demands and mitigation …