An overview of the trypanosomatid (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) parasites infecting several mammal species in Colombia
AC Castillo-Castañeda, LH Patiño, MF Zuñiga… - Parasites & …, 2022 - Springer
Background Trypanosomatids are among the most critical parasites for public health due to
their impact on human, animal, and plant health. Diseases associated with these pathogens …
their impact on human, animal, and plant health. Diseases associated with these pathogens …
Clave de identificación de los murciélagos neotropicales
Para facilitar esfuerzos de identificación de murciélagos en la región, ponemos a
disposición la presente clave de identificación, estructurada a nivel de familias, subfamilias …
disposición la presente clave de identificación, estructurada a nivel de familias, subfamilias …
Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) associated with mammals in Colombia: a historical review, molecular species confirmation, and establishment of new relationships
M Ortíz-Giraldo, WD Tobón-Escobar… - Parasitology …, 2021 - Springer
Ticks are considered the second most important vectors of pathogens worldwide, after
mosquitoes. This study provides a systematic review of vector-host relationships between …
mosquitoes. This study provides a systematic review of vector-host relationships between …
Small mammals of the Mayo River Basin in Northern Peru, with the description of a new species of Sturnira (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
We present the results of an inventory of small mammals in the Mayo River basin, one of the
least-studied regions of the Central Andes in Peru. We conducted inventories at three …
least-studied regions of the Central Andes in Peru. We conducted inventories at three …
Terrestrial mammal responses to oil palm dominated landscapes in Colombia
The rapid expansion of oil palm cultivation in the Neotropics has generated great debate
around possible biodiversity impacts. Colombia, for example, is the largest producer of oil …
around possible biodiversity impacts. Colombia, for example, is the largest producer of oil …
Effects of oil palm and human presence on activity patterns of terrestrial mammals in the Colombian Llanos
The ability of animals to adjust their behaviour can influence how they respond to
environmental changes and human presence. We quantified activity patterns of terrestrial …
environmental changes and human presence. We quantified activity patterns of terrestrial …
Land management strategies can increase oil palm plantation use by some terrestrial mammals in Colombia
While the conservation role of remaining natural habitats in anthropogenic landscapes is
clear, the degree to which agricultural matrices impose limitations to animal use is not well …
clear, the degree to which agricultural matrices impose limitations to animal use is not well …
External validation of prognostic models predicting pre-eclampsia: individual participant data meta-analysis
Background Pre-eclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and
morbidity. Early identification of women at risk during pregnancy is required to plan …
morbidity. Early identification of women at risk during pregnancy is required to plan …
Checklist of the mammals (Mammalia) of Colombia
La actualización de la lista de especies presentes en un país es una tarea continua que
llena vacíos de información y apoya la toma de decisiones. En los últimos cinco años, ha …
llena vacíos de información y apoya la toma de decisiones. En los últimos cinco años, ha …
Colombia, an unknown genetic diversity in the era of Big Data
Abstract Background Latin America harbors some of the most biodiverse countries in the
world, including Colombia. Despite the increasing use of cutting-edge technologies in …
world, including Colombia. Despite the increasing use of cutting-edge technologies in …