Multi-image face-based image processing
6,765,608 B1 7/2004 Himedia et al. 6,870,945 B2 3/2005 Schoepflin et al. 7,003,135 B2*
2/2006 Hsieh et al.................... 382,103 7,080,065 B1 7/2006 Kothuri et al. 7,325, 199 B1 …
2/2006 Hsieh et al.................... 382,103 7,080,065 B1 7/2006 Kothuri et al. 7,325, 199 B1 …
Ordered processing of edits for a media editing application
TD Cherna, R Ubillos, KE Paulsen - US Patent 10,282,055, 2019 - Google Patents
US10282055B2 - Ordered processing of edits for a media editing application - Google
Patents US10282055B2 - Ordered processing of edits for a media editing application …
Patents US10282055B2 - Ordered processing of edits for a media editing application …
Hue-based color matching
A Bryant, D Pettigrew - US Patent 8,611,655, 2013 - Google Patents
users may also want to modify the appearance of particular colors in a video or image to be
similar to the appearance of the particular colors in another video or image. For example …
similar to the appearance of the particular colors in another video or image. For example …
Defining a border for an image
D Pettigrew, D Candela - US Patent 8,331,685, 2012 - Google Patents
a user will want to modify the color properties of an entire image, or more commonly, a
selection of an image. For example, a user might want to increase the saturation in a …
selection of an image. For example, a user might want to increase the saturation in a …
Multi operation slider
RY Webb - US Patent 9,202,433, 2015 - Google Patents
7,092,122 7,095,434 7,184,056 7,227,990 7,242.409 7,292,370 7,489,305 7,562,310
7,598,964 7,602,991 7,636,108 7,675,648 7,702, 149 7,706,606 7,750.947 7,853,094 …
7,598,964 7,602,991 7,636,108 7,675,648 7,702, 149 7,706,606 7,750.947 7,853,094 …
User-aided image segmentation
D Pettigrew, A Bryant - US Patent 8,891,864, 2014 - Google Patents
Video editing tools exist for identifying a portion of the frame that is going to be modified. For
instance, some video editing tools allow the user to specify a particular range (s) of color …
instance, some video editing tools allow the user to specify a particular range (s) of color …
Multi-modal relevancy matching
BACKGROUND 0001. Online video services enable users to search for, view, author, and
share user-created or user-uploaded videos. These services continue to increase in …
share user-created or user-uploaded videos. These services continue to increase in …
Color waveform
A Bryant, T Horie, JC Arndt - US Patent 8,854,370, 2014 - Google Patents
color correction tools allow a user of a media editor to adjust the colors of media in order to
accurately reproduce what was originally shot, compensate for variations in the material (eg …
accurately reproduce what was originally shot, compensate for variations in the material (eg …
Automatically keying an image
D Pettigrew, MS Middler - US Patent 8,743,139, 2014 - Google Patents
4,476.487 A 10, 1984 Klie et al. 4,488,245 A 12/1984 Dalke et al. 5,130,789 A 7, 1992
Dobbs et al. 5,313.275 A 5/1994 Daly et al. 5,416,890 A 5, 1995 Beretta 5,670.986 A 9, 1997 …
Dobbs et al. 5,313.275 A 5/1994 Daly et al. 5,416,890 A 5, 1995 Beretta 5,670.986 A 9, 1997 …
Keying an image
D Pettigrew, A Bryant, P Warner - US Patent 8,619,093, 2013 - Google Patents
4,476,487 A 10/1984 Klie et al. 4,488,245 A 12/1984 Dalke et al. 5,130,789 A 7/1992 Dobbs
et a1. 5,313,275 A 5/1994 Daly et al. 5,416,890 A 5/1995 Beretta 5,670,986 A 9/1997 Leak …
et a1. 5,313,275 A 5/1994 Daly et al. 5,416,890 A 5/1995 Beretta 5,670,986 A 9/1997 Leak …