Climate, environment, and disturbance history govern resilience of western North American forests

PF Hessburg, CL Miller, SA Parks, NA Povak… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2019 -
Before the advent of intensive forest management and fire suppression, western North
American forests exhibited a naturally occurring resistance and resilience to wildfires and …

Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests

RK Hagmann, PF Hessburg, SJ Prichard… - Ecological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Implementation of wildfire‐and climate‐adaptation strategies in seasonally dry forests of
western North America is impeded by numerous constraints and uncertainties. After more …

Twenty‐five years of the Northwest Forest Plan: what have we learned?

TA Spies, JW Long, S Charnley… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) has guided the management of 17 federal forests in the
US Pacific Northwest for the past 25 years. The existing management plans for these …

Wildfire and climate change adaptation of western North American forests: a case for intentional management

PF Hessburg, SJ Prichard, RK Hagmann… - Ecological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Forest landscapes across western North America (wNA) have experienced extensive
changes over the last two centuries, while climatic warming has become a global reality over …

Mega‐disturbances cause rapid decline of mature conifer forest habitat in California

ZL Steel, GM Jones, BM Collins, R Green… - Ecological …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Mature forests provide important wildlife habitat and support critical ecosystem functions
globally. Within the dry conifer forests of the western United States, past management and …

Have western USA fire suppression and megafire active management approaches become a contemporary Sisyphus?

DA DellaSala, BC Baker, CT Hanson, L Ruediger… - Biological …, 2022 - Elsevier
Fire suppression policies and “active management” in response to wildfires are being
carried out by land managers globally, including millions of hectares of mixed conifer and …

Exceptional variability in historical fire regimes across a western Cascades landscape, Oregon, USA

JD Johnston, MR Schmidt, AG Merschel… - …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Detailed information about the historical range of variability in wildfire activity informs
adaptation to future climate and disturbance regimes. Here, we describe one of the first …

Invader removal triggers competitive release in a threatened avian predator

JD Wiens, KM Dugger, JM Higley… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
Changes in the distribution and abundance of invasive species can have far-reaching
ecological consequences. Programs to control invaders are common but gauging the …

Influence of topography and fuels on fire refugia probability under varying fire weather conditions in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA

GW Meigs, CJ Dunn, SA Parks… - Canadian Journal of …, 2020 -
Fire refugia—locations that burn less severely or less frequently than surrounding areas—
support late-successional and old-growth forest structure and function. This study …

Climate change, wildfire, and vegetation shifts in a high-inertia forest landscape: Western Washington, USA

JS Halofsky, DR Conklin, DC Donato, JE Halofsky… - PLoS …, 2018 -
Future vegetation shifts under changing climate are uncertain for forests with infrequent
stand-replacing disturbance regimes. These high-inertia forests may have long persistence …