Application and prospect of organic acid pretreatment in lignocellulosic biomass separation: A review
As a clean and efficient method of lignocellulosic biomass separation, organic acid
pretreatment has attracted extensive research. Hemicellulose or lignin is selectively isolated …
pretreatment has attracted extensive research. Hemicellulose or lignin is selectively isolated …
[HTML][HTML] Production of bioplastic through food waste valorization
The tremendous amount of food waste from diverse sources is an environmental burden if
disposed of inappropriately. Thus, implementation of a biorefinery platform for food waste is …
disposed of inappropriately. Thus, implementation of a biorefinery platform for food waste is …
Pretreatment methods to enhance solubilization and anaerobic biodegradability of lignocellulosic biomass (wheat straw): Progress and challenges
Agro-waste (wheat straw) is considered most effective (heating value 16 MJ/kg) for energy
recovery through anaerobic digestion (AD). However, the complex lignocellulosic structure …
recovery through anaerobic digestion (AD). However, the complex lignocellulosic structure …
From fruit and vegetable waste to degradable bioplastic films and advanced materials: A review
H Li, M Zhou, AEGAY Mohammed, L Chen… - … Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2022 - Elsevier
Productions of plastic products are reaching new heights every year, which brings serious
environmental pollution, as non-degradable plastics threaten animals, plants even humans …
environmental pollution, as non-degradable plastics threaten animals, plants even humans …
[HTML][HTML] Environmental comparison of banana waste valorisation strategies under a biorefinery approach
Banana wastes can be valorised in bioethanol due to its high content in cellulose (more than
30% of total on a dry basis) and hemicelluloses (25% of total). Large amount of these wastes …
30% of total on a dry basis) and hemicelluloses (25% of total). Large amount of these wastes …
Microbial valorization of kraft black liquor for production of platform chemicals, biofuels, and value-added products: A critical review
The proper treatment and utilization of kraft black liquor, generated from the pulp and paper
industry through the kraft pul** method, is required to reduce environmental impacts prior …
industry through the kraft pul** method, is required to reduce environmental impacts prior …
Microwave-assisted oxalic acid pretreatment for the enhancing of enzyme hydrolysis in the production of xylose and arabinose from bagasse
In this study, highly-efficient hydrolysis of bagasse into xylose and arabinose sugars (C5
sugars) was developed by microwave-assisted oxalic acid pretreatment under mild reaction …
sugars) was developed by microwave-assisted oxalic acid pretreatment under mild reaction …
Dual-frequency ultrasound combined with alkali pretreatment of corn stalk for enhanced biogas production
C Dong, J Chen, R Guan, X Li, Y **n - Renewable Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
To solve the problem of standing wave produced by single-frequency ultrasonic
pretreatment, the dual-frequency ultrasound was applied to pretreat the corn stalk. In this …
pretreatment, the dual-frequency ultrasound was applied to pretreat the corn stalk. In this …
Microwave-assisted acid pretreatment for enhancing enzymatic saccharification of sugarcane trash
Sugarcane trash (ST) is an abundant but underused biomass left in the field when the
sugarcane is harvested. However, there are only a few studies to evaluate pretreatment of …
sugarcane is harvested. However, there are only a few studies to evaluate pretreatment of …
A new approach to recycle oxalic acid during lignocellulose pretreatment for xylose production
Background Dilute oxalic acid pretreatment has drawn much attention because it could
selectively hydrolyse the hemicellulose fraction during lignocellulose pretreatment …
selectively hydrolyse the hemicellulose fraction during lignocellulose pretreatment …