Konsep Hybrid Contract di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Fatwa DSN-MUI
The application of a hybrid contract is a necessity that cannot be avoided and its application
is supported by the principle of muamalah which applies the principle of permissibility as …
is supported by the principle of muamalah which applies the principle of permissibility as …
[PDF][PDF] The concept of muqasah on murabahah financing in the perspective of fatwa DSN-MUI
DFA Sup, I Suhendi - Kodifikasia: Jurnal Penelitian Islam, 2022 - academia.edu
The discussion on installment discounts, including in other definitions of cashback or price
discounts in murabaha financing, definitively, its implementation, and its accounting system …
discounts in murabaha financing, definitively, its implementation, and its accounting system …
Theory of Rights in Islamic Economic Law and Its Relation to Intellectual Property Rights
A Asari, TA Pradhana, MF Averro… - Al-Iktisab: Journal of …, 2022 - ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id
The study of the theory of rights in Islamic economic law and its relation to intellectual
property rights is an outpouring of ideas from the author. That in this research, although the …
property rights is an outpouring of ideas from the author. That in this research, although the …
Rethinking the paradigm of Islamic banking: Integrated of commercial and social oriented
The recent appraisal of Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) development has focused on the
interest based banking system. Banks role and function have been retained to create sharia …
interest based banking system. Banks role and function have been retained to create sharia …
Legal Opinion Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam
Legal opinion mempunyai peranan penting dalam siklus hukum yang berlaku di sebuah
negara. Di sisi lain, adanya legal opinion tidak menjadi jaminan bagi klien untuk bisa …
negara. Di sisi lain, adanya legal opinion tidak menjadi jaminan bagi klien untuk bisa …
Al-Maqrizi's Inflation Concepts And Proof For The East Java Inflation Case 2015-2020
The standard of individual and collective life in a nation state has become economic life, and
inflation is one of present economic problems, particularly in monetary matters. When …
inflation is one of present economic problems, particularly in monetary matters. When …
Perhitungan Zakat Penghasilan Di BAZNAS Ponorogo Dalam Perspektif Konsep Zakat Yusuf Qardhawi
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan proses pertumbuhan ekonomi tingkat
menengah tercepat di dunia. Oleh karena itu, potensi zakat penghasilan merupakan salah …
menengah tercepat di dunia. Oleh karena itu, potensi zakat penghasilan merupakan salah …
The Merger of Indonesian Islamic Banks: Impact on the Islamic Economy Development
The development of Islamic banking and financial institutions in Indonesia is getting better
from year to year. This development is a benchmark for the success of the Islamic economy …
from year to year. This development is a benchmark for the success of the Islamic economy …
Esensi Keadilan dalam Ilmu Waris Islam
M Syifa Urrosyidin - Ijtihad: Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi …, 2021 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memaparkan dan menganalisa konsep dasar dan konsep
keadilan dalam hukum waris Islam untuk menjawab kontradiksi konsep yang dibawa oleh …
keadilan dalam hukum waris Islam untuk menjawab kontradiksi konsep yang dibawa oleh …
Tipologi Koperasi Umum Dan Syariah
S Bin Lahuri - Al-Intaj: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan …, 2022 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mentipologikan koperasi di Ponorogo Jawa Timur Indonesia.
Data yang akan dijadikan obyek tipologi berjumlah 842 data koperasi. Penelitian ini …
Data yang akan dijadikan obyek tipologi berjumlah 842 data koperasi. Penelitian ini …