[HTML][HTML] Motor evoked potential warning criteria in supratentorial surgery: a sco** review
E Asimakidou, PA Abut, A Raabe, K Seidel - Cancers, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Motor evoked potential (MEP) alarm criteria may have an important impact
on the preservation of motor function in supratentorial neurosurgical procedures. However …
on the preservation of motor function in supratentorial neurosurgical procedures. However …
[HTML][HTML] Surgical treatment of glioblastoma: state-of-the-art and future trends
Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly aggressive disease and is associated with poor prognosis
despite treatment advances in recent years. Surgical resection of tumor remains the main …
despite treatment advances in recent years. Surgical resection of tumor remains the main …
Functional preoperative and intraoperative map** and monitoring: increasing safety and efficacy in glioma surgery
Greater extent of resection (EOR) of low-grade gliomas is associated with improved survival.
Proximity to eloquent cortical regions often limits resectability and elevates the risk of …
Proximity to eloquent cortical regions often limits resectability and elevates the risk of …
Preoperative motor map** by navigated transcranial magnetic brain stimulation improves outcome for motor eloquent lesions
SM Krieg, J Sabih, L Bulubasova… - Neuro …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Background Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) has been proven to
influence surgical indication and planning. Yet there is still no clear evidence how these …
influence surgical indication and planning. Yet there is still no clear evidence how these …
Intraoperative subcortical motor evoked potential stimulation: how close is the corticospinal tract?
OBJECT Subcortical stimulation is a method used to evaluate the distance from the
stimulation site to the corticospinal tract (CST) and to decide whether the resection of an …
stimulation site to the corticospinal tract (CST) and to decide whether the resection of an …
Associations between clinical outcome and navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation characteristics in patients with motor-eloquent brain lesions: a combined …
N Sollmann, N Wildschuetz, A Kelm, N Conway… - Journal of …, 2017 - thejns.org
OBJECTIVE Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) and diffusion tensor
imaging fiber tracking (DTI FT) based on nTMS data are increasingly used for preoperative …
imaging fiber tracking (DTI FT) based on nTMS data are increasingly used for preoperative …
Changing the clinical course of glioma patients by preoperative motor map** with navigated transcranial magnetic brain stimulation
Background Map** of the motor cortex by navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
(nTMS) can be used for preoperative planning in brain tumor patients. Just recently, it has …
(nTMS) can be used for preoperative planning in brain tumor patients. Just recently, it has …
The management of brain metastases—systematic review of neurosurgical aspects
MA Proescholdt, P Schödel, C Doenitz, T Pukrop… - Cancers, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary In this comprehensive review, we focused on the neurosurgical treatment
as an integrative part of the challenging multidisciplinary management of cerebral …
as an integrative part of the challenging multidisciplinary management of cerebral …
Transcranial versus direct electrical stimulation for intraoperative motor-evoked potential monitoring: Prognostic value comparison in asleep brain tumor surgery
L Viganò, V Callipo, M Lamperti, M Rossi… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Objective Safe resection of gliomas involving motor pathways in asleep-anesthesia requires
the combination of brain map**, to identify and spare essential motor sites, and …
the combination of brain map**, to identify and spare essential motor sites, and …
Multimodal surgical treatment of high-grade gliomas in the motor area: the impact of the combination of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and fluorescein …
Background Fluorescein-guided surgery of high-grade gliomas (HGGs) increases the extent
of tumor resection but its efficacy has been questioned, especially for tumors located close to …
of tumor resection but its efficacy has been questioned, especially for tumors located close to …