Magnetic flux penetration and creep in a ceramic superconductor

F Perez, X Obradors, J Fontcuberta… - Superconductor …, 1996 -
A magnetic study has been carried out on a ceramic sample, which showed a high intergrain
connectivity. AC susceptibility, dc magnetization and low-field hysteresis loop …

AC magnetic susceptibility and flux noise in simple Josephson-coupled superconducting clusters

VA Khlus, AV Dyomin - Physica C: Superconductivity, 1993 - Elsevier
We have studied a simple model of granular superconductors which includes an ensemble
of simple loops formed by superconducting grains, with weak intergrain junctions. Thermally …

Magnetic-flux distribution in a square Josephson-junction array with inductances

D Reinel, W Dieterich, A Majhofer, T Wolf - Physica C: Superconductivity, 1995 - Elsevier
We calculate the current and magnetic-flux distributions in a square network of Josephson
junctions subject to an external magnetic field. Magnetic fields due to the superconducting …

Critical state in Josephson junction arrays as models of a bi-dimensional superconducting granular system

R de Luca, S Pace, G Raiconi - Physics Letters A, 1993 - Elsevier
In order to analyze the diamagnetic properties of sintered granular superconductors, a
circuital model consisting of a network of identical inductances (L 0) and Josephson …

On the mechanism of non-resonant microwave absorption in granular high-temperature superconductors

M Mahel, M Darula, S Benacka - Superconductor Science and …, 1993 -
The authors investigate the mechanisms of microwave (MW) losses in granular YBa 2 Cu 3
O x at weak magnetic fields in a wide temperature range. The MW losses are believed to …

Intergrain flux creep in high- superconductors

J Paasi, JT Eriksson - Physical Review B, 1993 - APS
Equations describing the intergrain flux creep of ceramic superconductors are derived. They
are based on the behavior of small superconducting loops closed by overdamped …

Flux pinning barriers in two-dimensional arrays of short Josephson junctions

G Filatrella, S Pace, G Rotoli, A Saggese - Physics Letters A, 1994 - Elsevier
Two-dimensional square arrays of short Josephson junctions are investigated using a model
which includes both the lumped Josephson circuit elements and an equivalent inductance …

Flux pinning, inductance effects and critical state behaviour in Josephson junction arrays

A Majhofer - Physica B: Condensed Matter, 1996 - Elsevier
Magnetic fields produced by all currents induced in an array of Josephson junctions are
taken into account by introducing inductance coefficient specified according to the shape of …

Low field magnetization curves of cylindrical samples of high-Tc granular superconductors

R de Luca - Physics Letters A, 1992 - Elsevier
Low field magnetization curves of cylindrical samples of high-T~granular superconductors
Page 1 Physics LettersA 164 (1992) 109—1 14 PHYSICS LETTERS A North-Holland Low …

Simplified Josephson junction arrays as models of granular superconductors

S Pace, R De Luca, A Saggese - Physica B: Condensed Matter, 1994 - Elsevier
We describe the simplest Josephson junction array models that can be adopted in studying
the diamagnetic properties of granular superconductors. We consider cylindrical …