An overview of micronanoswarms for biomedical applications
Micronanoswarms have attracted extensive attention worldwide due to their great promise in
biomedical applications. The collective behaviors among thousands, or even millions, of tiny …
biomedical applications. The collective behaviors among thousands, or even millions, of tiny …
4D printing: Enabling technology for microrobotics applications
This review demonstrates that 4D printing constitutes a key technology to enable significant
advances in microrobotics. Unlike traditional microfabrication techniques, 4D printing …
advances in microrobotics. Unlike traditional microfabrication techniques, 4D printing …
Multimodal locomotion and cargo transportation of magnetically actuated quadruped soft microrobots
Untethered microrobots have attracted extensive attention due to their potential for
biomedical applications and micromanipulation at the small scale. Soft microrobots are of …
biomedical applications and micromanipulation at the small scale. Soft microrobots are of …
Ionic shape-morphing microrobotic end-effectors for environmentally adaptive targeting, releasing, and sampling
Shape-morphing uses a single actuation source for complex-task-oriented multiple patterns
generation, showing a more promising way than reconfiguration, especially for microrobots …
generation, showing a more promising way than reconfiguration, especially for microrobots …
Reinforcement learning control of a flexible two-link manipulator: An experimental investigation
This article discusses the control design and experiment validation of a flexible two-link
manipulator (FTLM) system represented by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). A …
manipulator (FTLM) system represented by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). A …
Multimodal locomotion control of needle-like microrobots assembled by ferromagnetic nanoparticles
Microrobots have great potential for multiple applications, such as targeted drug delivery
and micromanipulation. Several kinds of microrobots assembled by nanoparticles have …
and micromanipulation. Several kinds of microrobots assembled by nanoparticles have …
Robot policy improvement with natural evolution strategies for stable nonlinear dynamical system
Robot learning through kinesthetic teaching is a promising way of cloning human behaviors,
but it has its limits in the performance of complex tasks with small amounts of data, due to …
but it has its limits in the performance of complex tasks with small amounts of data, due to …
Development and motion control of biomimetic underwater robots: A survey
Biomimetic underwater robots have attracted considerable research attention globally,
owing to their quieter actuations, higher propulsion efficiency, and stronger maneuverability …
owing to their quieter actuations, higher propulsion efficiency, and stronger maneuverability …
[HTML][HTML] Trimer-like microrobots with multimodal locomotion and reconfigurable capabilities
Despite the growing interest in the motion mechanisms and application potential of
individual active colloids/particles in micro/nanorobotics, their aggregation for higher …
individual active colloids/particles in micro/nanorobotics, their aggregation for higher …
Effect of hip assistance modes on metabolic cost of walking with a soft exoskeleton
Understanding the effects of different hip assistance modes is a fundamental step in the
process of designing hip assistance devices and controllers that can provide better …
process of designing hip assistance devices and controllers that can provide better …