Quantum discord and its allies: a review of recent progress

A Bera, T Das, D Sadhukhan, SS Roy… - Reports on Progress …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
We review concepts and methods associated with quantum discord and related topics. We
also describe their possible connections with other aspects of quantum information and …

Sudden death of entanglement

T Yu, JH Eberly - Science, 2009 - science.org
A new development in the dynamical behavior of elementary quantum systems is the
surprising discovery that correlation between two quantum units of information called qubits …

Non-Markovian effects on the dynamics of entanglement

B Bellomo, R Lo Franco, G Compagno - Physical Review Letters, 2007 - APS
A procedure that allows us to obtain the dynamics of N independent bodies each locally
interacting with its own reservoir is presented. It relies on the knowledge of single-body …

Open-system dynamics of entanglement: a key issues review

L Aolita, F De Melo, L Davidovich - Reports on Progress in …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
One of the greatest challenges in the fields of quantum information processing and quantum
technologies is the detailed coherent control over each and every constituent of quantum …

Environment-induced sudden death of entanglement

MP Almeida, F de Melo, M Hor-Meyll, A Salles… - science, 2007 - science.org
We demonstrate the difference between local, single-particle dynamics and global dynamics
of entangled quantum systems coupled to independent environments. Using an all-optical …

Sudden transition between classical and quantum decoherence

L Mazzola, J Piilo, S Maniscalco - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
We study the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in the presence of
nondissipative decoherence. We discover a class of initial states for which the quantum …

Robustness of quantum discord to sudden death

T Werlang, S Souza, FF Fanchini, CJ Villas Boas - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2009 - APS
We calculate the dissipative dynamics of two-qubit quantum discord under Markovian
environments. We analyze various dissipative channels such as dephasing, depolarizing …

Classical and quantum correlations under decoherence

J Maziero, LC Celeri, RM Serra, V Vedral - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2009 - APS
Recently some authors have pointed out that there exist nonclassical correlations which are
more general, and possibly more fundamental, than entanglement. For these general …

Protecting entanglement via the quantum Zeno effect

S Maniscalco, F Francica, RL Zaffino, N Lo Gullo… - Physical review …, 2008 - APS
We study the exact entanglement dynamics of two atoms in a lossy resonator. Besides
discussing the steady-state entanglement, we show that in the strong coupling regime the …

Evolution from entanglement to decoherence of bipartite mixed" X" states

T Yu, JH Eberly - arxiv preprint quant-ph/0503089, 2005 - arxiv.org
We examine a class of bipartite mixed states which we call X states and report several
analytic results related to the occurrence of so-called entanglement sudden death (ESD) …