Electron-phonon coupling induced topological phase transition in an Haldane-Holstein model

M Islam, K Bhattacharyya, S Basu - Physical Review B, 2024‏ - APS
We present impelling evidence of topological phase transitions induced by electron-phonon
(e-ph) coupling in an α-T 3 Haldane-Holstein model that facilitates smooth tunability …

Topological quantum transition driven by charge-phonon coupling in higher-order topological insulators

C Lu, M Zhang, H Wang, Q Ai, T Liu - Physical Review B, 2023‏ - APS
We investigate a second-order topological quantum transition of a modified Kane-Mele
model driven by an electron-phonon interaction. The results show that the system …

Holstein polaron in a pseudospin-1 quantum spin Hall system: First-and second-order topological phase transitions

K Bhattacharyya, S Lahiri, M Islam, S Basu - Physical Review B, 2024‏ - APS
We investigate the effects of Holstein polarons formed due to the electron-phonon (ep)
coupling, on the quantum spin Hall (QSH) phase of a pseudospin-1 fermionic α-T 3 lattice …

Witnessing environment induced topological phase transitions via quantum Monte Carlo and cluster perturbation theory studies

F Pavan, A de Candia, G Di Bello, V Cataudella… - Physical Review B, 2024‏ - APS
Many-body interactions play a crucial role in quantum topological systems, being able to
impact or alter the topological classifications of noninteracting fermion systems. In open …

Emergence of charge density wave and superconducting phase transitions through Lorentz-invariant interactions in the Haldane-Hubbard model

Q Yang, YB Wu, L Zhuang, JM Zhao, WM Liu - Physical Review B, 2024‏ - APS
We derive Lorentz-invariant four-fermion interactions, including Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type
and superconducting type, which are widely studied in high-energy physics, from the …

Collective effects in low-dimensional systems with coupled quasiparticles

E Thingstad - 2021‏ - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Many of the most fascinating and challenging phenomena in condensed matter physics
occur in systems with coupling between quasiparticles of different nature. This thesis is …

Phonon Coupled Luttinger Liquids in a Haldane Armchair Nanoribbon

KKL Lockert - 2021‏ - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Det har nylig blitt foreslått en metode for å indirekte detektere topologi i en spinnbølgemodell
koblet til fononer. Motivert av dette undersøker jeg én-partikkel Green-funksjonen til …

[CITATION][C] Further development of the Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for the studies of numerous realistic systems: making link to first principle calculations.