Hardware-in-the-loop and field validation of a rotor-side subsynchronous dam** controller for a series compensated DFIG system
In the past decade, several subsynchronous control interaction (SSCI) incidents have been
reported in various large-scale grid-interfaced doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based …
reported in various large-scale grid-interfaced doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based …
PI parameter tuning of converters for sub-synchronous interactions existing in grid-connected DFIG wind turbines
As a clean energy, wind power has been extensively exploited in the past few years.
However, oscillations in wind turbines, particularly those from controllers, could severely …
However, oscillations in wind turbines, particularly those from controllers, could severely …
A generic EMT-type model for wind parks with permanent magnet synchronous generator full size converter wind turbines
Utilities are under considerable pressure to increase the share of wind energy resources in
their generation fleet. With the increasing share of wind energy resources, the dynamic …
their generation fleet. With the increasing share of wind energy resources, the dynamic …