A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae) II: An update and a comparison of two 2015 classifications

RJ Soreng, PM Peterson… - … of Systematics and …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We present a new worldwide phylogenetic classification of 11 506 grass species in 768
genera, 12 subfamilies, seven supertribes, 52 tribes, five supersubtribes, and 90 subtribes; …

[HTML][HTML] A 250 plastome phylogeny of the grass family (Poaceae): topological support under different data partitions

JM Saarela, SV Burke, WP Wysocki, MD Barrett… - PeerJ, 2018 - peerj.com
The systematics of grasses has advanced through applications of plastome phylogenomics,
although studies have been largely limited to subfamilies or other subgroups of Poaceae …

The origin and morphological character evolution of the paleotropical woody bamboos

JX Liu, C Guo, PF Ma, MY Zhou, YH Luo… - Journal of integrative …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The woody bamboos (Bambusoideae) exhibit distinctive biological traits within Poaceae,
such as highly lignified culms, rapid shoot growth, monocarpic mass flowering and nutlike or …

Diversity, endemism and conservation status of native Mexican woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae)

E Ruiz-Sanchez, G Munguía-Lino… - Botanical Journal of …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Native Mexican woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) are
classified in subtribes Arthrostylidiinae, Chusqueinae and Guaduinae. They grow from sea …

Plastid phylogenomics shed light on intergeneric relationships and spatiotemporal evolutionary history of Melocanninae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)

MY Zhou, JX Liu, PF Ma, JB Yang… - Journal of Systematics …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Melocanninae is sister to other subtribes of Paleotropical woody bamboos with some 90
species mainly concentrated in Asia. However, phylogenetic relationships within the …

Pemanfaatan portal basis data daring dalam validasi nama ilmiah jenis dan suku tumbuhan

IPGP Damayanto, FS Fastanti… - … Ilmu Perpustakaan dan …, 2020 - journal.ugm.ac.id
Pendahuluan. Kajian mengenai validasi nama ilmiah jenis dan suku tumbuhan masih
terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan informasi tentang proses validasi …

Species diversity and traditional utilization of bamboos (Poaceae) on the Phu Thai Ethnic Group in northeastern Thailand

S SUDCHALEAW, S SAENSOUK… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 - smujo.id
Sudchaleaw S, Saensouk S, Saensouk P, Sungkaew S. 2023. Species diversity and
traditional utilization of bamboos (Poaceae) on the Phu Thai Ethnic Group in northeastern …

[PDF][PDF] The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of the Southeast and South Asian bamboo genera Neohouzeaua and Ochlandra (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)

WL Goh, S Sungkaew, A Teerawatananon… - Phytotaxa, 2020 - researchgate.net
Among the tropical woody bamboos, the Melocanninae is one of the most clearly recognized
subtribes morphologically and has also been consistently well delimited in molecular …

Bamboo diversity of Sulawesi, Indonesia

D Ervianti, EA Widjaja, A Sedayu - Biodiversitas Journal of Biological …, 2019 - smujo.id
Abstract Ervianti D, Widjaja EA, Sedayu A. 2019. Bamboo diversity of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Biodiversitas 20: 91-109. Bamboo is one of the important plants in the world. Beside their …

Phylogenomic analyses reveal reticulate evolution between Neomicrocalamus and Temochloa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)

ZY Cai, ZY Niu, YY Zhang, YH Tong, TC Vu… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Neomicrocalamus and Temochloa are closely related to bamboo genera. However, when
considered with newly discovered and morphologically similar material from China and …