U-net and its variants for medical image segmentation: A review of theory and applications
U-net is an image segmentation technique developed primarily for image segmentation
tasks. These traits provide U-net with a high utility within the medical imaging community …
tasks. These traits provide U-net with a high utility within the medical imaging community …
U-Net-based models towards optimal MR brain image segmentation
Brain tumor segmentation from MRIs has always been a challenging task for radiologists,
therefore, an automatic and generalized system to address this task is needed. Among all …
therefore, an automatic and generalized system to address this task is needed. Among all …
Segmentation and classification of head and neck nodal metastases and primary tumors in PET/CT
The prediction of cancer characteristics, treatment planning and patient outcome from
medical images generally requires tumor delineation. In Head and Neck cancer (H&N), the …
medical images generally requires tumor delineation. In Head and Neck cancer (H&N), the …
Ocean surface pollution detection: Applicability analysis of v-net with data augmentation for oil spill and other related ocean surface feature monitoring
Oil spills are considered to be one of the biggest obstacles to marine and coastal
environments. Effective surveillance, ship detection, and accurate oil spill detection are …
environments. Effective surveillance, ship detection, and accurate oil spill detection are …
[KNJIGA][B] A Novel Deep Learning-Based Framework for Context-Aware Semantic Segmentation in Medical Imaging
MZ Khan - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Deep learning has an enormous impact on medical image analysis. Many computer-aided
diagnostic systems equipped with deep networks are rapidly reducing human intervention in …
diagnostic systems equipped with deep networks are rapidly reducing human intervention in …
Oil spill detection over ocean surface using deep learning: a comparative study
Marine pollution poses a humongous threat to oceanic life especially large scale oil spills.
The paper addresses this concern by offering a comparative study of novel deep learning …
The paper addresses this concern by offering a comparative study of novel deep learning …
Localization of ocular vessels with context sensitive semantic segmentation
The human retina contains a network of micro-vessels that helps predict chronic diabetic
retinopathy. The disease is common in patients with diabetes mellitus. It weakens the inner …
retinopathy. The disease is common in patients with diabetes mellitus. It weakens the inner …
Brain disease detection using PSPNet for multiclass segmentation
DJJ Seeli, KK Thanammal - 2023 2nd International Conference …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Brain tumours are a frequent cause of mortality in both adults and children, ranking tenth
among major grounds of fatality. There are a great number of distinct types of tumours, and …
among major grounds of fatality. There are a great number of distinct types of tumours, and …
U-net based deep learning architectures for object segmentation in biomedical images
N Siddique - 2021 - search.proquest.com
U-net is an image segmentation technique developed primarily for medical image analysis
that can precisely segment images using a scarce amount of training data. These traits …
that can precisely segment images using a scarce amount of training data. These traits …
A Design of Frequency Encoded Dibit-Based Inhibitor Logic Using Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier with Simulative Verification
S Bosu, B Bhattacharjee - … and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICCIS …, 2022 - Springer
Optical signal communication and computation are very popular these days. Therefore,
optical-based different logic gates, combinational circuits, devices, etc. are developed by …
optical-based different logic gates, combinational circuits, devices, etc. are developed by …