[HTML][HTML] Finer-resolution map** of global land cover: Recent developments, consistency analysis, and prospects
Land-cover map** is one of the foundations of Earth science. As a result of the combined
efforts of many scientists, numerous global land-cover (GLC) products with a resolution of 30 …
efforts of many scientists, numerous global land-cover (GLC) products with a resolution of 30 …
[HTML][HTML] Measuring and evaluating SDG indicators with Big Earth Data
Abstract The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an
important framework for economic, social, and environmental action. A comprehensive …
important framework for economic, social, and environmental action. A comprehensive …
GISD30: Global 30-m impervious surface dynamic dataset from 1985 to 2020 using time-series Landsat imagery on the Google Earth Engine platform
Accurately map** impervious surface dynamics has great scientific significance and
application value for urban sustainable development research, anthropogenic carbon …
application value for urban sustainable development research, anthropogenic carbon …
[HTML][HTML] Land use map** using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series in a heterogeneous landscape in Niger, Sahel
Land use maps describe the spatial distribution of natural resources, cultural landscapes,
and human settlements, serving as an important planning tool for decision makers. In the …
and human settlements, serving as an important planning tool for decision makers. In the …
[KNIHA][B] Fundamentals of satellite remote sensing: An environmental approach
E Chuvieco - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing: An Environmental Approach, Third Edition, is a
definitive guide to remote sensing systems that focuses on satellite-based remote sensing …
definitive guide to remote sensing systems that focuses on satellite-based remote sensing …
An assessment of urbanization sustainability in China between 1990 and 2015 using land use efficiency indicators
[HTML][HTML] Spatial-temporal land use and land cover changes in urban areas using remote sensing images and GIS analysis: The case study of Opole, Poland
Urban expansion is a dynamic and complex phenomenon, often involving adverse changes
in land use and land cover (LULC). This paper uses satellite imagery from Landsat-5 TM …
in land use and land cover (LULC). This paper uses satellite imagery from Landsat-5 TM …
[PDF][PDF] Big Earth Data: A practice of sustainability science to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a programmatic document for future
global development. In the past five years, all countries of the world have made great efforts …
global development. In the past five years, all countries of the world have made great efforts …