[HTML][HTML] Tectonics in the Greater Caucasus (Georgia–Russia): From an intracontinental rifted basin to a doubly verging fold-and-thrust belt

J Mosar, J Mauvilly, K Koiava, I Gamkrelidze… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The Greater Caucasus doubly-vergent orogenic system has its origin in a Mesozoic-
Early Cenozoic back-arc-type basin, floored by an extensively stretched and heavily …

[HTML][HTML] Two-step exhumation of Caucasian intraplate rifts: A proxy of sequential plate-margin collisional orogenies

W Cavazza, T Gusmeo, M Zattin, V Alania… - Geoscience …, 2024 - Elsevier
Intraplate structural deformation is diagnostic of tectonic stress regime changes linked to
plate interactions and can result from superposed tectonic events whose single contributions …

Exploration plays in the Caucasus region

G Tari, G Blackbourn, DRD Boote… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Exploration efforts around the Greater Caucasus region started towards the end of the 19th
century and established a wide range of petroleum play types in various basin segments …

Eocene volcaniclastics in the Kartli Basin, Georgia: a fractured reservoir sequence

G Tari, A Vrsic, T Gumpenberger… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In the broader Caucasus region, multiple extrusive volcanic units are present within the
Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene and Miocene sedimentary successions. Partial reworking of …

[HTML][HTML] Stratigraphy of the Cenozoic succession in eastern Azerbaijan: Implications for petroleum systems and paleogeography in the Caspian basin

V Aghayeva, RF Sachsenhofer, CGC van Baak… - Marine and petroleum …, 2023 - Elsevier
The Cenozoic succession in the Lower Kura Basin includes largely uniform, often carbonate-
free mudstones. Because age dating of these sediments has proved difficult, the stratigraphy …

Reservoir characterization of the Pliocene Red Series, LAM field and surrounding areas, offshore western Turkmenistan

AI Rabbani, S Al‐Hajri, KS Hussain… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The sedimentology, petrography and reservoir potential of Pliocene sandstones within the
Upper Red Series in the offshore LAM field, Western Turkmenistan, have been examined …

Mudrock overpressure, fracturing, and mud volcanism in the Lower Kura Depression, Azerbaijan

S İnan, M Namazlı, R Askerova, IS Guliyev - International Journal of Earth …, 2024 - Springer
Abstract The Lower Kura Depression (LKD) in Azerbaijan is a unique place on Earth where
enormous oil and oil–gas-condensate deposits coexist with mud volcanoes. Large mud …

An interpretation of crustal structure and hydrocarbon evolution of the South Caspian and Kura Basins, Azerbaijan

N Abdullayev, S Huseynova, A Javadova, F Kadirov… - 2022 - researchsquare.com
Abstract South Caspian and Upper Kura Basins are a genetically linked system created in a
Mesozoic extensional setting with a complex Cenozoic sediment fill history. This study …

Structure and evolution of the Terek‐Caspian fold‐and‐thrust belt: New insights from regional seismic data

K Sobornov - Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The Terek‐Caspian fold‐and‐thrust belt along the northern flank of the Greater Caucasus
Mountain Range together with the adjacent foreland basin is one of the oldest oil‐producing …

[HTML][HTML] Re-Understanding the Sedimentary Environment of the Wufeng–Longmaxi Shales in the Sichuan Basin

X Mao, X Chen, F Yang, S Li, Z Li, Y Yang - Applied Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
The current understanding of organic matter enrichment in marine shales remains highly
controversial. Most scholars argue that deeper water environments and warmer climates …