Geographic information and communication technologies for supporting smallholder agriculture and climate resilience
Multiple factors constrain smallholder agriculture and farmers' adaptive capacities under
changing climates, including access to information to support context appropriate farm …
changing climates, including access to information to support context appropriate farm …
The impact of coffee leaf rust on migration by smallholder coffee farmers in Guatemala
Climate change is driving severe outbreaks of crop diseases, decimating agricultural
production, and disrupting rural livelihoods globally. While the patterns of agricultural …
production, and disrupting rural livelihoods globally. While the patterns of agricultural …
Seeing through digitalization! The influence of entrepreneurial networks on market participation among smallholder farmers in Tanzania. The mediating role of digital …
IJ Ismail - Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Smallholder farmers have for a long time preferred to sell at the farm gate, where the prices
have been very low compared to market places. This has been fueled by several challenges …
have been very low compared to market places. This has been fueled by several challenges …
Quantifying effects of climate change and farmers' information demand on wheat yield in India: a deep learning approach with regional clustering
Introduction With increasing demand for food and changing environmental conditions, a
better understanding of the factors impacting wheat yield is essential for ensuring food …
better understanding of the factors impacting wheat yield is essential for ensuring food …
Are farmer organizations effective intermediaries and facilitators of agricultural innovations processes? Evidence from Tunisia
Integration of productivity, resource management, and institutional innovations is crucial
across different system levels. Traditional research and extension services face challenges …
across different system levels. Traditional research and extension services face challenges …
Farmers’ Perception about Climate Change and Response Strategies
B Bharat, RR Chapke, S Kammar - Indian Journal of Extension …, 2021 - epubs.icar.org.in
The crop production response strategies to climate change and variability vis-Ã-vis their
socio-personal characterstics in North-Eastern Karnataka region were identified and …
socio-personal characterstics in North-Eastern Karnataka region were identified and …
[PDF][PDF] Knowledge of farmers on functioning of e-NAM
MS Raju, MR Devy, PVS Gopal - Indian Journal of Extension …, 2022 - academia.edu
ABSTRACT National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal that
networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural …
networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural …
Constraints Faced by Paddy Farmers in Adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices: A Comparative Study
A Mishra, JS Malik - Indian Journal of Extension Education, 2024 - epubs.icar.org.in
The study was conducted in 2023 to identify the major constraints faced by paddy farmers in
the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices in the eastern climactic zone of Haryana …
the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices in the eastern climactic zone of Haryana …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring the relationship between socio-economic factors and ICT adoption among farmers
The study was conducted in Uttar Pradesh, India to assess the relationship between ICT
tools and socio-economic variables of farmers. The ex-post-facto research design and multi …
tools and socio-economic variables of farmers. The ex-post-facto research design and multi …
[PDF][PDF] Do information networks enhance adoption of sustainable agricultural practices? Evidence from northern dry zone of Karnataka, India
The study aimed to analyze the perception of farmers towards sustainable agricultural
practices (SAPs) and identify social networks using primary data collected randomly from …
practices (SAPs) and identify social networks using primary data collected randomly from …