Sentiment analysis of big data: methods, applications, and open challenges
The development of IoT technologies and the massive admiration and acceptance of social
media tools and applications, new doors of opportunity have been opened for using data …
media tools and applications, new doors of opportunity have been opened for using data …
[HTML][HTML] Social media sentiment analysis and opinion mining in public security: Taxonomy, trend analysis, issues and future directions
The interest in social media sentiment analysis and opinion mining for public security events
has increased over the years. The availability of social media platforms for communication …
has increased over the years. The availability of social media platforms for communication …
Smart monitoring and controlling of government policies using social media and cloud computing
The governments, nowadays, throughout the world are increasingly becoming dependent
on public opinion regarding the framing and implementation of certain policies for the …
on public opinion regarding the framing and implementation of certain policies for the …
Social network behavior and public opinion manipulation
The scope of cyberspace weapons is expanding from the physical network domain to the
cognitive information domain. Technologies such as network penetration, public opinion …
cognitive information domain. Technologies such as network penetration, public opinion …
Twitter as social media arena for polarised social representations about the (im) migration: The controversial discourse in the Italian and international political frame
Grounded in social representation theory and its empirical investigation into the 'social
arena', inspired by the 'modelling paradigmatic approach', the research presented in this …
arena', inspired by the 'modelling paradigmatic approach', the research presented in this …
Big opportunities and big concerns of big data in education
Against the backdrop of the ever-increasing influx of big data, this article examines the
opportunities and concerns over big data in education. Specifically, this article first …
opportunities and concerns over big data in education. Specifically, this article first …
How does government microblog affect tourism market value? The perspective of signaling theory
H Zhu, F Wang - Information Processing & Management, 2022 - Elsevier
The emotion of social media users has been found to impact market value, but the
mechanism of emotion transmission needs to be further explored. Based on the signaling …
mechanism of emotion transmission needs to be further explored. Based on the signaling …
Comparing tweet sentiments in megacities using machine learning techniques: In the midst of COVID-19
COVID-19 was announced by the World Health Organization as a pandemic on March 11,
2020. Not only has COVID-19 struck the economy and public health, but it also has deep …
2020. Not only has COVID-19 struck the economy and public health, but it also has deep …
Common core state standards on Twitter: Public sentiment and opinion leaders
The purpose of this study is to examine the public opinion on the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS) on Twitter. Using Twitter Application Program Interface (API), we …
Standards (CCSS) on Twitter. Using Twitter Application Program Interface (API), we …
Harnessing the social web to enhance insights into people's opinions in business, government and public administration
AW Baur - Information Systems Frontiers, 2017 - Springer
Transparency, participation, and collaboration are the core pillars of open government. For
the systematic integration of citizens and other stakeholders into the policy and public value …
the systematic integration of citizens and other stakeholders into the policy and public value …