A review of urban impacts on avian life‐history evolution: Does city living lead to slower pace of life?
The concept of a pace‐of‐life syndrome describes inter‐and intraspecific variation in several
life‐history traits along a slow‐to‐fast pace‐of‐life continuum, with long lifespans, low …
life‐history traits along a slow‐to‐fast pace‐of‐life continuum, with long lifespans, low …
A meta-analysis of impacts of immune response and infection on oxidative status in vertebrates
D Costantini - Conservation Physiology, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Inferring from patterns observed in biomedical research, ecoimmunological theory predicts
that oxidative stress is a ubiquitous physiological cost that contributes to generating variation …
that oxidative stress is a ubiquitous physiological cost that contributes to generating variation …
The ecological foundations of transmission potential and vector‐borne disease in urban landscapes
Urban transmission of arthropod‐vectored disease has increased in recent decades.
Understanding and managing transmission potential in urban landscapes requires …
Understanding and managing transmission potential in urban landscapes requires …
[PDF][PDF] Urbanisation and its effects on bats—a global meta-analysis
Urbanisation is viewed as the most ecologically damaging change to land use worldwide,
posing significant threats to global biodiversity. However, studies from around the world …
posing significant threats to global biodiversity. However, studies from around the world …
Global patterns and drivers of urban bird diversity
The rapid urbanization of the world has profound effects on global biodiversity, and
urbanization has been counted among the processes contributing to the homogenization of …
urbanization has been counted among the processes contributing to the homogenization of …
Influence of urbanization on body size, condition, and physiology in an urban exploiter: a multi-component approach
Consistent expanding urbanization dramatically transforms natural habitats and exposes
organisms to novel environmental challenges, often leading to reduced species richness …
organisms to novel environmental challenges, often leading to reduced species richness …
Transcriptome analysis of a wild bird reveals physiological responses to the urban environment
Identifying the molecular basis of environmentally induced phenotypic variation presents
exciting opportunities for furthering our understanding of how ecological processes and the …
exciting opportunities for furthering our understanding of how ecological processes and the …
Growing in Cities: An Urban Penalty for Wild Birds? A Study of Phenotypic Differences between Urban and Rural Great Tit Chicks (Parus major)
Urban sprawl is associated with deep and intense modifications of the natural habitats of
wild vertebrates. Although, many species are unable to cope with such an environment, a …
wild vertebrates. Although, many species are unable to cope with such an environment, a …
A new framework for urban ecology: an integration of proximate and ultimate responses to anthropogenic change
As urban areas continue to grow, understanding how species respond and adapt to urban
habitats is becoming increasingly important. Knowledge of the mechanisms behind …
habitats is becoming increasingly important. Knowledge of the mechanisms behind …
Urbanization and blood parasite infections affect the body condition of wild birds
Human landscape transformation, especially urbanization, strongly affects ecosystems
worldwide. Both urban stressors and parasites have negative effects on organism health …
worldwide. Both urban stressors and parasites have negative effects on organism health …