Design of computer experiments: A review
In this article, we present a detailed overview of the literature on the design of computer
experiments. We classify the existing literature broadly into two categories, viz. static and …
experiments. We classify the existing literature broadly into two categories, viz. static and …
Packing circles in a square: a review and new results
There are many interesting optimization problems associated with the packing and covering
of objects in a closed volume or bounded surface. Typical examples arise in classical …
of objects in a closed volume or bounded surface. Typical examples arise in classical …
[КНИГА][B] New approaches to circle packing in a square: with program codes
In one sense, the problem of finding the densest packing of congruent circles in a square is
easy to understand. But on closer inspection, this problem reveals itself to be an interesting …
easy to understand. But on closer inspection, this problem reveals itself to be an interesting …
[HTML][HTML] Packing equal circles in a square: a deterministic global optimization approach
M Locatelli, U Raber - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2002 - Elsevier
In this paper the problem of packing n equal circles into the unit square will be considered.
Starting from a general rectangular branch-and-bound algorithm, many tools, which exploit …
Starting from a general rectangular branch-and-bound algorithm, many tools, which exploit …
Minimizing the object dimensions in circle and sphere packing problems
Given a fixed set of identical or different-sized circular items, the problem we deal with
consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. Circular …
consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. Circular …
Packing up to 50 equal circles in a square
KJ Nurmela, PRJ Östergård - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1997 - Springer
The problem of maximizing the radius of n equal circles that can be packed into a given
square is a well-known geometrical problem. An equivalent problem is to find the largest …
square is a well-known geometrical problem. An equivalent problem is to find the largest …
More optimal packings of equal circles in a square
KJ Nurmela, PRJ Ostergå rd - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1999 - Springer
The densest packings of n equal circles in a square have been determined earlier for n≤ 20
and for n= 25, 36. Several of these packings have been proved with the aid of a computer …
and for n= 25, 36. Several of these packings have been proved with the aid of a computer …
New results in the packing of equal circles in a square
The problem of finding the maximum diameter of n equal mutually disjoint circles inside a
unit square is addressed in this paper. Exact solutions exist for only n= 1,…, 9, 10, 16, 25, 36 …
unit square is addressed in this paper. Exact solutions exist for only n= 1,…, 9, 10, 16, 25, 36 …
Densest packings of eleven congruent circles in a circle
H Melissen - Geometriae Dedicata, 1994 - Springer
Densest packings of eleven congruent circles in a circle Page 1 Geometriae Dedicata 50: 15-25,
1994. 15 © 1994 KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Densest Packings …
1994. 15 © 1994 KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Densest Packings …
The densest packing of 19 congruent circles in a circle
F Fodor - Geometriae Dedicata, 1999 - Springer
Dense packings of n congruent circles in a circle were given by Kravitz in 1967 for n= 2,...,
16. In 1969 Pirl found the optimal packings for n≤ 10, he also conjectured the dense …
16. In 1969 Pirl found the optimal packings for n≤ 10, he also conjectured the dense …