Role of firebrand combustion in large outdoor fire spread
Large outdoor fires are an increasing danger to the built environment. Wildfires that spread
into communities, labeled as Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires, are an example of large …
into communities, labeled as Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires, are an example of large …
The wildland–urban interface fire problem–current approaches and research needs
Wildfires that spread into wildland–urban interface (WUI) communities present significant
challenges on several fronts. In the United States, the WUI accounts for a significant portion …
challenges on several fronts. In the United States, the WUI accounts for a significant portion …
Review of pathways for building fire spread in the wildland urban interface part I: exposure conditions
While the wildland–urban interface (WUI) is not a new concept, fires in WUI communities
have rapidly expanded in frequency and severity over the past few decades. The number of …
have rapidly expanded in frequency and severity over the past few decades. The number of …
Wildland fire spot ignition by sparks and firebrands
AC Fernandez-Pello - Fire Safety Journal, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Wildland and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fires are an important problem in
many areas of the world and may have major consequences in terms of safety, air quality …
many areas of the world and may have major consequences in terms of safety, air quality …
[HTML][HTML] A review of thermal exposure and fire spread mechanisms in large outdoor fires and the built environment
Due to socio-economic and climatic changes around the world, large outdoor fires in the
built environment have become one of the global issues that threaten billions of people. The …
built environment have become one of the global issues that threaten billions of people. The …
A review of firebrand studies on generation and transport
Firebrands play a vital role in the propagation of fire by starting new fires called spotfires,
ahead of the fire front during wildfire progression. Firebrands are a harbinger of damage to …
ahead of the fire front during wildfire progression. Firebrands are a harbinger of damage to …
A case study of a community affected by the Witch and Guejito wildland fires
A Maranghides, W Mell - Fire technology, 2011 - Springer
Wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires occur when fire spreads through both wildland and
community (structures and vegetation) fuels. These fires are capable of causing significant …
community (structures and vegetation) fuels. These fires are capable of causing significant …
Scintilla: Simulating combustible vegetation for wildfires
Wildfires are a complex physical phenomenon that involves the combustion of a variety of
flammable materials ranging from fallen leaves and dried twigs to decomposing organic …
flammable materials ranging from fallen leaves and dried twigs to decomposing organic …
Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review
Mastication is an increasingly common fuels treatment that redistributes “ladder” fuels to the
forest floor to reduce vertical fuel continuity, crown fire potential, and fireline intensity, but …
forest floor to reduce vertical fuel continuity, crown fire potential, and fireline intensity, but …
Effect of firebrand size and geometry on heating from a smoldering pile under wind
Smoldering firebrands can be lofted over long distances, easily igniting spot fires. This
poses a threat to structures in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), where wildland fires …
poses a threat to structures in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), where wildland fires …