Named entity recognition and classification in historical documents: A survey
After decades of massive digitisation, an unprecedented number of historical documents are
available in digital format, along with their machine-readable texts. While this represents a …
available in digital format, along with their machine-readable texts. While this represents a …
Learning how to ask: Querying LMs with mixtures of soft prompts
Natural-language prompts have recently been used to coax pretrained language models
into performing other AI tasks, using a fill-in-the-blank paradigm (Petroni et al., 2019) or a …
into performing other AI tasks, using a fill-in-the-blank paradigm (Petroni et al., 2019) or a …
Extended overview of CLEF HIPE 2020: named entity processing on historical newspapers
This paper presents an extended overview of the first edition of HIPE (Identifying Historical
People, Places and other Entities), a pioneering shared task dedicated to the evaluation of …
People, Places and other Entities), a pioneering shared task dedicated to the evaluation of …
Variational reasoning for question answering with knowledge graph
Abstract Knowledge graph (KG) is known to be helpful for the task of question answering
(QA), since it provides well-structured relational information between entities, and allows …
(QA), since it provides well-structured relational information between entities, and allows …
Neural entity linking: A survey of models based on deep learning
This survey presents a comprehensive description of recent neural entity linking (EL)
systems developed since 2015 as a result of the “deep learning revolution” in natural …
systems developed since 2015 as a result of the “deep learning revolution” in natural …
Entity linking meets word sense disambiguation: a unified approach
Abstract Entity Linking (EL) and Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) both address the lexical
ambiguity of language. But while the two tasks are pretty similar, they differ in a fundamental …
ambiguity of language. But while the two tasks are pretty similar, they differ in a fundamental …
Analysis of named entity recognition and linking for tweets
Applying natural language processing for mining and intelligent information access to tweets
(a form of microblog) is a challenging, emerging research area. Unlike carefully authored …
(a form of microblog) is a challenging, emerging research area. Unlike carefully authored …
[PDF][PDF] Semeval-2015 task 13: Multilingual all-words sense disambiguation and entity linking
In this paper we present the Multilingual All-Words Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking
task. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) and Entity Linking (EL) are well-known problems …
task. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) and Entity Linking (EL) are well-known problems …
Adaptive multi-modalities fusion in sequential recommendation systems
In sequential recommendation, multi-modal information (eg, text or image) can provide a
more comprehensive view of an item's profile. The optimal stage (early or late) to fuse …
more comprehensive view of an item's profile. The optimal stage (early or late) to fuse …
Utilizing knowledge graphs for text-centric information retrieval
The past decade has witnessed the emergence of several publicly available and proprietary
knowledge graphs (KGs). The depth and breadth of content in these KGs made them not …
knowledge graphs (KGs). The depth and breadth of content in these KGs made them not …