Research and trends in STEM education: A systematic review of journal publications
With the rapid increase in the number of scholarly publications on STEM education in recent
years, reviews of the status and trends in STEM education research internationally support …
years, reviews of the status and trends in STEM education research internationally support …
Drivers for green building: A review of empirical studies
This paper presents a comprehensive literature review of what drives the adoption of green
buliding (GB) practices among construction stakeholders. The review is based on literature …
buliding (GB) practices among construction stakeholders. The review is based on literature …
Review of studies on the Critical Success Factors for Public–Private Partnership (PPP) projects from 1990 to 2013
Abstract The Critical Success Factors for Public–Private Partnership is a major research
interest worldwide therefore this paper aims to methodically review studies on the CSFs for …
interest worldwide therefore this paper aims to methodically review studies on the CSFs for …
Causes of delays on construction projects: a comprehensive list
S Durdyev, MR Hosseini - … journal of managing projects in business, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic review of studies on CPD
published between 1985 and 2018. Design/methodology/approach Before identifying …
published between 1985 and 2018. Design/methodology/approach Before identifying …
A comprehensive review of acoustic based leak localization method in pressurized pipelines
Z Hu, S Tariq, T Zayed - Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2021 - Elsevier
Pipelines are widely used in the transportation of water, oil, gas, etc. Leakage in pipelines
leads to a great waste of natural resources and sometimes constitutes a public health risk …
leads to a great waste of natural resources and sometimes constitutes a public health risk …
Factors affecting construction productivity: a 30 year systematic review
Purpose A significant amount of work has been performed in the area of identification of
factors affecting construction productivity. Previous studies have tried to determine the most …
factors affecting construction productivity. Previous studies have tried to determine the most …
Critical success factors for implementing building information modelling (BIM): A longitudinal review
Although building information modelling (BIM) is ubiquitous within the construction industry,
a review analysis on critical success factors (CSFs) used to measure successful BIM …
a review analysis on critical success factors (CSFs) used to measure successful BIM …
A review of technological pedagogical content knowledge
This paper reviews 74 journal papers that investigate ICT integration from the framework of
technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). The TPACK framework is an …
technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). The TPACK framework is an …
Critical analysis of green building research trend in construction journals
In recent years, green building (GB) has become the flagship of sustainable development,
leading to a number of published works on the topic. This paper examines GB research …
leading to a number of published works on the topic. This paper examines GB research …
Towards integrating construction risk management and stakeholder management: A systematic literature review and future research agendas
We propose that integrated management of construction risk and stakeholder is feasible and
can promote the effectiveness of both risk management (RM) and stakeholder management …
can promote the effectiveness of both risk management (RM) and stakeholder management …