[HTML][HTML] Stress in thin films and coatings: Current status, challenges, and prospects
The issue of stress in thin films and functional coatings is a persistent problem in materials
science and technology that has congregated many efforts, both from experimental and …
science and technology that has congregated many efforts, both from experimental and …
Overview on micro-and nanomechanical testing: New insights in interface plasticity and fracture at small length scales
Micro-and nanomechanical testing has seen a rapid development over the last decade with
miniaturized test rigs and MEMS-based devices providing access to the mechanical …
miniaturized test rigs and MEMS-based devices providing access to the mechanical …
Delineating dislocation structures and residual stresses in additively manufactured alloys
Dislocation structures and residual stresses have tremendous impact over the properties of
alloys produced by fusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Yet, their origin is …
alloys produced by fusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Yet, their origin is …
A review of strain analysis using electron backscatter diffraction
Since the automation of the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique, EBSD
systems have become commonplace in microscopy facilities within materials science and …
systems have become commonplace in microscopy facilities within materials science and …
Experimental measurement of dislocation density in metallic materials: A quantitative comparison between measurements techniques (XRD, R-ECCI, HR-EBSD, TEM)
The dislocation densities were measured on the same samples using transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (electron channeling contrast imaging …
microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (electron channeling contrast imaging …
A crystal plasticity model that accounts for grain size effects and slip system interactions on the deformation of austenitic stainless steels
To ensure a more representative simulation of meso‑scale and macro-scale deformation, it
is important the underlying constitutive relations are advanced to more effectively …
is important the underlying constitutive relations are advanced to more effectively …
[KNJIGA][B] Introduction to texture analysis: macrotexture, microtexture and orientation map**
V Randle, O Engler - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Encompassing the concepts, practice, and application of orientation analysis, Introduction to
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …
[HTML][HTML] Strains, planes, and EBSD in materials science
Electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) has made an impressive impact on the
characterization of materials by directly linking microstructure and crystallographic texture to …
characterization of materials by directly linking microstructure and crystallographic texture to …
Slip band–grain boundary interactions in commercial-purity titanium
The interaction between slip bands and grain boundaries in commercial-purity titanium was
examined using cross-correlation-based electron backscatter diffraction. At a low strain …
examined using cross-correlation-based electron backscatter diffraction. At a low strain …
Resolving the geometrically necessary dislocation content by conventional electron backscattering diffraction
W Pantleon - Scripta Materialia, 2008 - Elsevier
From local orientation measurements on planar surfaces by means of electron
backscattering diffraction, six components of the lattice curvature tensor can be identified …
backscattering diffraction, six components of the lattice curvature tensor can be identified …